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Okay so I called today I was supposed to get my hard drive back today but nope. 😤😤😤 I’m going to guess because it was Father’s Day weekend. Idk bad communication on their end I thought they said it would be ready today. 😭 Anyways Attack on Titan will be up on Patreon today and they PROMISED me I can pick my hard drive up tomorrow morning for sure. So we will see.

Anyways sorry about this guys.



It's fine. Just would be a little easier if you could post this stuff by noon your time.


Can we please get any info on JoJo?


It's cool overall. I know it's been a really eventful month for you, so I totally get it. If you do feel too stressed out ever, just let us know, and take some time off for yourself. I love what you do, but I also don't want your life to be any more difficult to entertain me.


Damn u sacred the s out of me xd i thought its fsthers day in my country to ufff i was affraid i missed it.


We can see those once the drive is back. On a previous post she mentions all her bleach files were on it.


Looks like they don't want you to post Bleach reactions or something xD I hope you get your drive soon!


they are busy watching the reactions


only anime i am interested in ( besides OP obviously ) is bleach at the moment , hope we'll get some candy soon