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Okay so for the reaction on Tuesday since the votes were so close together I am going to watch episode 1 in subbed and 2 in dubbed to see what I prefer more.



Seems fair to me 😁


That’s a fair idea. I watched it in sub and loved it, but the dub seems to be pretty good as well.


Both are great cant go wrong.


Sounds good, the series is phenomenal either way


Ok, so, as inconvenient as this may sound, i would actually recommend watching episode 1 in one and then rewatching it in the other. Episode 1 is kinda the "pilot" episode. It's the only filler in the series and is pretty good for testing, while episode 2 starts getting into the plot and giving you some important information. It might not be a good idea to test the audio on episode 2, since you might miss some important info. Ofc, it's up to you.


Oh, in case it wasn't mentioned already. FMA:B is a very detail oriented series. This is actually why I usually recommend the dub. Missing a piece of dialogue in this series can make the difference between whether or not something makes sense later on.

Oliver Segelhorst

I really hope this will be subbed since i believe the japanese voices are still gar superior Despite the dub being ok


Hoping for dub🤞 but I can settle for sub


I mean, ofc its your choice, but Sub clearly won the Poll, so i dont really get it :D Even if its a bit close... Won is won, doesnt matter how close ^^


hoping for sub because otherwise I wont bother watching


I usually prefer sub. What's wrong with dub is usually that the voice actors never capture the actual range of emotion that characters have, and worse they always feel the need to cartoonize their voice and make it sound like looney tunes. It's probably because american voice actors see anime as a child's cartoon. FMA both the first one and brotherhood are one of those dubs that were done well, like the voice actors took it seriously.


So people who want the dub will still watch the sub but some sub watchers won’t watch the sub to protest I guess lol. Must not wanted to watch that badly in the first place.


That sounds fair, however I truly hope that you choose the sub in the end. The voice actors in the sub is doing a fantastic job of this amazing series and watching it dubbed just wouldn't feel right.


Sub is far superior, also most reactors do Dub, reason because i skipped them


That argument alone is for the dub, as Mignogna is a really great VA, as is shown with his roles in FMAB and RWBY, as the 2 things that come to mind immediately.


Of course the sub is better :)


For ep 3 watch the live action to really shake things up :D


I cant for the life of me watch animes in dub. Unless its DB lol. Please do sub

Dont make me Whoop yo Ass

The Dub is what makes brotherhood great. The sub is good, but the dub takes this Anime to a whole different level. Also, you wont have to read.


Dub for sure.


It kinda does, because it can change at any time, all depending on how long it stays up. There have been several moments where she could have closed the poll with dub winning.


Sub is miles better than the dub


wow. That's awfully shallow. Aren't you supposed to be watching for her reaction and not the show itself?

James Leo

Dub is miles better than the sub


Sub is almost always better

Markus Andre Midtbø Kjørsvik

The sub is better, but in terms of dubs FMAB is one of the most natural. It is one of few dubs I can get behind. The sub is better thou. If you are from an English speaking country , it would probably be best to react to the dub.


The reason I prefer subs over dubs is because JPVAs convey emotions better. They really bring the characters to life but FMAB is one of those gems where they AVAs nailed the characters . (Just like Cowboy Bebop) I hope you stick with the dub, also unrelated to topic at hand Bleach's Dub is fairly good to. Also I hope you pickup Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba as well

Carson elliott

Cant understand how people say the emotion in the voices is stronger in the sub. The translations are never perfect because the language is so different, and you don't understand the nuances of the language or the culture behind it so you don't actually understand what part of what they're saying they are accentuating and adding emotion to. It sounds really cool but you miss so much in translation. Im sure if you speak Japanese though its on a whole other lever. The dub is great, eds voice in the emotional scenes are so damn real. But ill still watch if its sub, its definitely not bad.


haha I like sub guys am i cool? pls accept me. Whenever I see this sub vs. dub debate, it's always the same thing. People that prefer dub actually doing comparisons based on the show. People that prefer sub crying out "sub is miles better always, no question", with no comparisons, and ultimatums.

Carson elliott

If shes going to watch an episode in both id say watch episode 2 first, then 1, it still chronologically works and ep 2 has more dramatic scenes in it to, more emotion, so you get a better idea of which ones better, and its fair to both sides.


100%. I'm so tired of seeing that. I can admit when the sub is better, but there are some shows where I think that the dub is better. So many people (not all, but a lot) that vote for the subs haven't even seen the full dub, nor would they even care what the show in question was. They're just elitists.

Chris Poveroni

My main issue with dubs is that often times the original dialogue is being altered, sometimes terribly. Attack on Titan is a prime example. If you cut the sound off and just read the english subtitles of the english dub and compare it the native sub it's awful. Plot is dropped, comedy is butchered, characters are out-of-character. Also, sites like Netflix and Crunchyroll are notorious for censoring subject matter they feel is inappropriate, which is bullshit, imo. The main draw of subs, for me, is getting the author's intended experience.


Your criticism is valid, but FMA:B is one of the exceptions. This is partly due to the fact that many of the VAs were already acquainted with their characters and the tone of the series, thanks to the original 2003 FMA. Seriously, watch some of the more emotional scenes, and you'll see what I mean.


Full Metal Alchemist dub is basically on par with the sub as it is reflected on the votes. You really can't go wrong with either. But as usual, it seems like there will be more people bothered if you were to go dubbed as opposed to subbed, for one reason or another. It might be better if you go dubbed so that you can actually look away from the screen once in a while w/o feeling like you're gonna miss some dialogue. But also note that if it's dubbed and some day you wanna putting it on Youtube with the volume turned all the way down, the viewers can lose connection with what your watching since we won't know what's being said.

Shawn Ryu

FMA brotherhood dub is pretty good, one of the best in my opinion.


The vast majority of the time I'll vote sub, but for this anime it definitely gets a dub vote and that's after watching the series many times in sub and dub. It's great either way but I still recommend the dub by a hair.


The dub is fantastic. Easily one of the best out there. Most reactors watch dub as well since it's so good.


i'm gonna have to vote for Dub here, just for your own convenience, as others had mentioned, allowing you to at least look away without missing out on the conversation, nevermind that it's actually a pretty darn competent work. plus it helps once you're through with the series and jump in on the Blooper Reels. if you yourself are unable to bear with the dubs, then by all means, feel free to change to subs, don't let our insistence get in the way of your enjoyment and experience.


Do what you want cause a pirate is free! You are a pirate~


I would recommend dub, but both are good so whatever you decide will be fine.


Voice of broly does the main character voice in dub and sabo VA does it in sub if I remember correctly l.


Sub will always be better than dub no matter what anime it is (except dbz and death note)


I prefer the dub on this anime but its honestly your choice. Just about everyone here already seen the show so you should watch it the way that fits you best so you can enjoy it to the fullest.


Darn, ya tricked me.


just my 2¢: I’m a sub purist but the FMAB dub is my preference. great performances from all of the cast


So many sub purists here jesus christ lmao


I dont get it why you started a poll when you still do both. And also, you are going to watch the anime so you shoud watch the language you feel the best.


Lots of fans from eu and countrys where you just never heard Anime in english thats why its so hard to accept. just feels wrong for us.


Not really, I watch spanish with subs for a couple anime as well. Just weird since I always feel they are lesser quality, has nothing to do with accepting it 😂


original is always better. not just for anime but for any show/movie. this is no exception. imo


I'll be happy with either honestly :D


this is one of the few anime that has a good dub


It was dead even for like 99% of the time. Poll was for sub or dub, not for gov. elections, so trying both out AT FIRST won't do any harm at all which in turn would make her discover why each sides like the one or the other. And thus after all would make her decide better which she thinks is best.

Rafael Nguyen Alvarez

Have you already seen Fullmetal Alchemist? Both are good and I'm currently watching that one.