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Since I have heard great things about both, I will let you guys decide.



I feel like most people prefer the Dub....I prefer the sub as always but as far as dubs go, it has one of the best I've heard. So, Imma vote Sub but have no hard feelings about Dub


One of the rare cases where the Dub is excellent!


This is one of those shows where I don’t see an argument where you could say the dub isn’t better but people have preferences and all. And the ones who have a harder time with English like subs because they can follow along with it better. If the dub is good that’s the way I’ll usually go.

Robert Collard

There are a few anime where you can have the opinion that the dub is better than the sub and I would have no complaints. FMA Brotherhood is one of them.


She might have to choose herself or flip a coin cause it’s gonna be 50-50


Honestly with FMA both are great. I'm partial to sub because Edward is voiced by Romi Park, a famous voice actress who's done a number of well known roles.


Just found out Code Geass and Yuyu lost but i love FMA. This is one series where it really doesn't matter but dub is a little better to me personally. Vic does a good job as Edward while Romi is good but falls short to vic to me

Fernando Gonzalez

I recently started FMA and even knowing two mayor spoilers they where still impactful


Sub, Dub is really good, but nothing like the original voices, dub will always be to the lazy

Phillip Grischa

Sub is the only choice. The dub isn't awful but far from gtrat.

Walking Stick

The dub is very great idk what kind of standards people set when they say its bad.


I heard that the dubs are good but if it turn out to be dub I’ll drop it. The voice actors in Japanese in this anime are so good


Same here. I tried dub from other Reactors and that just doesnt feel the same as sub :/


For not native English speaker like me dubs are pain in the ass even if it's "good"


watching in dub might help you to understand the english language more you know, you already know how to read it in sub right?


The sub is better.

Carson elliott

Even if the sub is better, (and i dont personally think it is, alteast if english is your native language). It would only be slightly better then the dub. when the dub is this good and it is. Why take away from being able to fully focus on the animation, framing, music etc. By having to focus on the subtitles. The emotion from eds voice in the dub is so passionate and real, if there is any anime to go dub on its this one. Just my opinion though


I personally enjoyed the Dubbed version more that the subbed (I did try subbed)


sub all the way idc if its a great dub lol. i feel like hearing them speak japanese feels more natural.


Didn’t think it would be this close lol. People and their subs 😂

Martin Sætran

Both are great but there are sometimes you clearly hear that the japanese VA for Edward and Al is female. Thats why i like the dub better.

Jonathan V

Dub is way better than sub. Plus, Because it is soooo good, you don't have to read and you can pay more attention to the action and what is happeing in the surroundings.


both are good


Ed has to be Romi Park for me. Sub.


Objectively top 3 anime of all time, at minimum


Hell yeah, this anime deserves all the praise it is given!!


I didn't either...I thought I was the only one that preferred sub


I mean...when there's action going on you don't need to read a lot....unlike some anime...


It's number 5 or 6 for me depending on how you qualify anime (ie does it include movies, is it based strictly as an anime or do I allow manga to weight it)


I don't know anyone that says it's bad....I certainly don't when I say I prefer the subbed...but I thought I was in the minority lol


Wow. It’s almost an even split. Highly unusual for most anime.


i taught for sure dub was going to win most other reactions are in dub..not that i care both are great

Laugh N Half

Watching anime growing up i watched it in german then english. When i was confident enough in my english reading skills i started watching english Subs and found out that the emotion conveyed in the original language is far superior to the Dub counterparts. The english Dubs are so stale, monotone and emotionless, and if i have to choose between Dub and nothing at all i begrudgingly would watch the Dub. I hope it end up being the Sub.