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I really love the anime and am sad I am almost finished with it. Would you guys like once a week manga or month readings on it (still would pick a new short anime to watch)

  • For Patreon.
  • I guess there are also Hunter x Hunter movies I can react to as well



Manga can be confusing (Lots of text) but I do enjoy the current journey of the manga


I would like this =D


Well that’s gonna be a lot of reading lol


Manga has a shit ton of text and can be sort of confusing with the powers, but is pretty enjoyable if you put the time into understanding it


Just be warned, the manga has a LOT of text and information crammed into almost every page. It can be pretty daunting.


Even though I love HxH, I feel as though the manga is not a good idea. There is so much info going on that it can be quite difficult to keep track of everything. Also, the author goes on hiatus very frequently so it is very hard to get invested in it despite how interesting it is.


yes please continue with HxH! I'd say you could do readthroughs once or twice a month, and later on keep adding more mangas, kinda like RogersBase


Sure, give it a shot if you're interested 😁

Phillip Grischa

I'd love if you switched to the manga for the next arc.


There really isnt much of the hxh manga there to read and since its on hiatus for who knows how long its probably best to just leave it at the anime ending because its satisfying at least instead of waiting years for a chapter


I'd suggest once a month so you don't just get caught up with hiatus x hiatus, but it could get hard to remember things from the last chapter, since the manga usually has a lot of information.


Yeah that would be great. Just a heads up, the art in the manga is incredibly sloppy. ( espcially when compared to the anime )


Hunter x hunter manga is amazing if you are someone that enjoys story telling and exposition. If you need great drawings and fight scenes to satisfy your needs, then hxh is not for you. (also I would suggest to keep a notebook for hxh)


What!!!??? No way!!! I'm gonna eat my hat now... you the G.W.O.A.T if you actually react to the manga... I will warn you it's even harder to follow than the anime so be prepared to put effort into comprehending the plot.


HxH manga is extremely inconsistent in their chapter releases. So monthly readings would be better


I would recommend Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood for the next short anime

Phillip Grischa

For the last two or three years the release schedule has been semi consistent, a volume worth of chapters weekly and then back to a several month hiatus. It's not ideal but I've learned to deal with it.


The current story arc in manga is incomplete. Wait for the arc to finish, which may happen in 10 years, if not more. Even if the arc was finished, I would not recommend it. The author writes essays on every single page. It's a chore to read through. The anime is, and continues to be, the best way to consume HxH content.


Also if ur going to be reading manga..I would like to recommend Berserk ,its one of the greatest pieces of fiction ever!!


Yes please!!

Rhyley Grant

Watch my hero academia

Morgan Hellström

No. Since the manga will never end or even update.


Yes, do it!!


It's not specified if you mean a "live" reading reaction or a "review" type reaction so I'm going to assume the former. Personally, I think doing a review after a batch of chapters would be best, cause there will be a lot of moments where you have to take it slow and reread a whole bunch to understand what's going on to the point where doing a "live reading" would be tedious and would make reading the manga not enjoyable at all. But I would still love to see your thoughts and opinions on the story so doing videos where you review a batch of chapters would be the best. In the end, the manga is worth reading and you should even if you decide not to do videos on it. Future condolences when you catch up and feel empty inside!


Tbh no lol


Nah, but the movies would be great to react

Daniel Turner

Hxh manga stands for hiatus x hiatus no point reading it


I can't vote for a new anime, but I'll voice my opinion here: WATCH! HAIKYUU!!!!!!!! motivational, positive, teamwork, volleyball, wholesome, great animation, lovable characters. a lot of people get turned off because it's a sports anime, and i felt the same way at first, but boy were my butt cheeks clenched watching that show


Yeah, reading the manga would be good just to be caught up, but there's not really much to read. It's been on hiatus after hiatus, and is even currently on one, with no set date of it coming back. So you can do a month to month with a few chapters maybe, that way it could last for a while at least in hopes of the author coming back to work on some more.


Yes! Haikyuu!! It's one of the most nerve-wracking but heart-warming modern animes out there currently, and the new season is going to start soon I think?


You should try Yu Yu Hakusho, the same author as HxH but a little lighter. I watched a lot of anime reactions but every one of Yu Yu Hakusho is with Eng Dub and I haven't seen any in original voices. Sorry for my English i'm not native speaker


I think it would be cool if you started reading the One Piece manga, mostly the chapters that you’ve already watched in anime form. It’s always interesting to see the source material of things that you love (such as One Piece), even if reading manga isn’t your thing.

Yusuf muhammad

But wait, what about when they animate the manga 10 yrs from now?!


It's time to say goodbye to these characters Jamie. It can be hard, especially when characters and stories are this good. But the manga has nothing substantial to offer. If you do end up going the manga road, realize that you will be inviting the most hardcore of HxH people to be watching your every single move. They will torment you for missing even the smallest of details. The whole endeavor is just not worth it.


I'd rather you not to be honest. So many Great Animes out there I'd prefer you to react to first...


HxH manga not so long ahead of anime. It published rarely coz of mangaka's health.


I'm a huge HxH fan, but I haven't touched the manga. I'm mostly just holding out hope they start making more anime episodes eventually, so I don't really want to get spoiled in that case.

Faisal Nasser

i would love a weekly read, especially since the manga is ahead for like 40 chapters after the anime, but a lot of exciting stuff happen that i would be interested to see your reaction on


Maybe react to a brand new currently airing anime, one of the seasonal ones that's just started. ??


No better react to another new anime..I'm sure you have been told but the drawing are crap!!


I was gonna read it too after the anime but the drawing from the anime to the manga let’s just say it’s jarring.


Well if you react to a manga, I'd recommend a new experience. https://mangadex.org/title/16617/komi-san-wa-komyushou-desu Those who know about Komi-san back me up, now! If you are not, then please continue with Jojo.


Aside from what everyone has already said about the manga in terms of the hiatus and a bunch of texts, etc. It is a good read. To put into context with something you're familiar with, recall all the monologues and the narrator's part in the chimera ant arc and double that for the current arc. It is wordy and packed with information but if you enjoy the previously mentioned components of hxh then I suggest you to read the manga. I feel like every week would be a good.


If you're into manga it's definitely worth it, it's an amazing experience. As for the movies, I don't think they're any good.


I suggest you read the manga for yourself if you want more immersion into the story and leave reactions for anime!


the manga is not far enough away from the anime due to many hiatuses you could look at another work from that creator Yu Yu Hakusho


I guess you should already have short anime options from you KOP patreons, but I would still suggest to check out Claymore, before One Piece Impeldown/Marineford that was the best anime I have watched, Only 24 episodes.


I would personally prefer you just watch another series or put more time into some of the other series.


Yeah but the manga is hefty


Since you said you'll still be doing a new anime I think reacting to the hunter x hunter manga would be great as a small weekly/monthly thing. There's like 40 chapters after the anime with alot of crazy things that goes on. I think it'd be interesting to try reading the manga on this series as sort of a test run for whenever you catch up to jojos, bleach and one piece anime to see whether you'd like doing manga reactions. Also if you like the manga you can keep on reading and if you don't you can drop it. It doesn't hurt to try especially if it doesn't affect the current content you're putting out.

Burooj Ahanger

whats the next anime replacing HxH? i suggest Magi.

Kevaughn Hunter

Watch Yu Yu Hakusho. Same creator as Hunter X Hunter.


If you loved HxH, you'd love Yu Yu Hakusho. Aside from the great plot and characters its honestly one of the best English dubbed animes.


Read the manga, weekly read throughs of like 5 or so chapters would be amazing.


For anime suggestions go with the majority here and watch Yu-Yu- Hakusho, it's so good.


Do whatever you want but the manga later on gets really bad for reactions. Its basically like reading a book because they are so many words on each page. Just imagine doing reactions to books, yeah not very interesting. The anime is great for reactions, and has a satisfying enough ending IMO, you don't really need to go on, especially with how much the manga goes on hiatus. But that is just one person's opinion.


Anyone tell which anime was chosen on the last poll?


I don't think it would be a good idea to read the manga.


As much as I love HxH...don't bother with the manga right now. It's still really good, but considering how often it's on hiatus I think you'd prefer the "ending" that the anime leaves you with. If it ever ends, I'm sure they'll immediately adapt it into an anime. It's better to remain content with the ending the anime gives you then to get...10 chapters every year to year and a half.


"Fairy Tail" jamie !!!! its a great adventure like one piece


The movies suck a lot of ass. As for manga idk how you are going to react to that.


It's not as bad as people say about manga, it's honestly pretty good, just sometimes hard to process due to complexity. And people say hiatus this hiatus that, as if it retracts from the quality of the story... Readings would be amazing, at least it will be interesting to see this as a new format of content from you. Movies... They're all filler, so they're not up to same standard, but still have good moments. Anyway, I'd be glad to continue HxH journey with you!


i've never even hear anything bad about the manga. all i hear is how ppl didn't like how it's always on hiatus.


She's probably going to do a poll like the first time for the $5 tier. Most people probably didn't know Hunter x Hunter was voted for because that was when she first did patreon way back then.


The manga have very dense dialogue, I think what for a month read is for sure worth to do It! Have a lot of good and interesting things and a think you will like it


The movies is worth to do as well, very good movies


Last time she did a poll this was the chosen anime. She hadn't done a poll since like November of last year I think. Back when I was a $5 tier (you need to be to vote in the poll) I think second place was full metal alchemist brotherhood. But those were during the early patreon days.


Happy to hear you're considering bringing manga to your content. For HxH specifically though, I suggest doing it monthly, considering how often the manga goes on hiatus. If it ever becomes more consistent in release then yeah, weekly is good too


It's hard to advise you because I never see you doing scan reaction. Maybe you are fitting to do this maybe not but I have to see it to give you an answer and maybe you will like it maybe not but you have to try it to know


Hinamatsuri is short. 12 episodes. Will give you feels


Ngl the manga compared to the anime isn't that great it has pretty bad artwork and usually has a lot of text crammed into the pages but if you really want to then i wouldn't mind


I would actually advise against doing reaction to the manga. The manga isnt really the type where you can have many interesting reactions, its more of a you have to read the chapter, reread a few times to understand everything, and let everything sink in. Its more like reading a novel than a manga. That doesnt mean its not interesting, its just not REACTION worthy.


I definitely think you should read the manga, but it's not very good reaction material. Regarding manga though, I hope you'll read the One Piece manga once you're caught up with the anime - the manga is just far superior in every aspect. My recommendation is that you start from chapter 902 or 903 after you're caught up with the anime, this'll force you to jump back a bit but chapter 903 is one of the best chapters in the entire series and the anime just butchered it completely so you definitely want to read that in mangaform.


Only read the manga if you're really keen to do so. Just do what you enjoy! You can give it a go and see for yourself if you think it's worth continuing :)


I hope you're able to give Mob Psycho 100 another chance and maybe put it back on the poll for short anime to watch next? It only has the 2 seasons right now with each just having only around 12 episodes each. You were so close to watching one of the most emotional episodes in the 1st season it was kind of a bummer you dropped it. But that aside, manga readings could be fun. I don't know how it'd go since I've never really watched manga readings before but it doesn't hurt to try something new!

Ryoma Nagare

I'd love manga reactions if you actually wanna read the manga.

Frederic Faddoul

That'd be cool if you decide to continue with the manga after! As for the reaction videos, personally I've always been curious to see an anime fan's impressions of the manga's new arcs. The thing is, it's very, very text heavy a lot of times, so I'd suggest doing a video where we see you read/react to the best/most important parts of the chapter, the moments that really made you react, and then give an overall review of the chapter. Also, if you go read the manga, don't worry if you sometimes feel overwhelmed or lost with the amount of info and characters. It's normal. But it's worth it :)


HxH manga is definitely worth reading


I'd LOVE to see you read the manga! But I do warn you some of the chapters can be very dialogue heavy! And it might get a bit complicated at times since there are a lot of new characters introduced but I'm sure your commenters will always be able to help you out to make everyhting easier. There are some really great things going on in the current manga arc!


the art is like ****


Great Teacher Onizuka


death note death note death note !!


If you want to read the manga, I'd suggest doing a review and not a reaction. There's definitely parts of the manga that take greater cognitive effort and requires greater analysis and thinking through. If you're willing to do that, you'll enjoy it a lot.


Please don't subject yourself to the HxH movies, they're all terrible.


Hunter x Hunter is worth continuing, even if just to witness the result of Hisokas and Chrollos fight.

Oliver Segelhorst

The manga does also not go that much further than the Anime. And the release of a Chapter is really unpredictable.

Sherwin Lui

Are you willing to watch the 1999 HxH anime? That follow the manga closer.


it would be dope if you did some more videos on" the time I got reincarnated as a slime I love that anime and also demon hunter is great show but its fairly new so the eps are coming out weekly


I saw it mentioned above but if you were to start Boku no Hero Academia that would be awesome! The idea of watching someone read a manga doesn't really sound particularly appealing personally.


This is sooooo not true lmao did you even read the chapters after the end of the anime ??


Really worth reading for sure, maybe not in first reactions tho, like a weekly review or a summary per volume would be more interesting, it's a kind of manga that really need you to take time to get the informations, maybe do one or two chapters just as a test and see how it goes.


The HxH manga is amazing, but it's kinda whatever to me as to whether you react to it or not. You'll probably be pretty satisfied with where the anime stops anyways.

Markus Andre Midtbø Kjørsvik

What If there comes a continuation of the anime, you will be spoiled! I will say wait to the end of the year, to see If the gods are with us. If not read it!


No, the HxH manga is a lot more boring then the anime, I droped it. There's too much text in each page, it's like a book, no action at all. To much explanation of Nen and you actually end up not understanding anything without really seeing it moving. I recommend you to wait another season.


Don't even bother reading the manga. It's almost always on hiatus and it will just be frustrating once you catch up. The anime ends at a pretty good place, which a lot of people see as the end of the first half of the series.


She's actually already reacted to a couple seasons of that, but for whatever reason she hasn't reacted to the newer seasons yet. I'm sure she'll get back to it eventually though.


if you want to read something i really recommend solo leveling it's colored and have amazing art.


I do not Love the basket but kuroko no basket was amazing !


If you want to get into manga I'd recommend a lot of good ones not HxH, although I'm a big fan of the series since it first came out, the manga now is the worse, you can tell the Togashi the writer is not into it anymore the art is clumsy and poorly done and he's always in hiatus, there is hardly anything positive about the manga. If you want something good read Kingdom or Dr.stone they are both my favorites right now.


After considering I don't think hxh is a good first for an anime only person.

Dry Lyo

People don't like HxH cos they don't like to read. However, I don't think it's a good manga to react to. I think it's better for you to read a volume, and do a review of it, monthly. The manga takes a while to start but it has its pros and cons. This arc is honestly aiming to be even better than the Chimera Ant arc, but it'll take years to be over. I recommend you react to Yu Yu Hakusho instead, an anime by the same author.


The manga is a tough read. Don't get me wrong! It is awsome but the current arc especially requires a lot of effort to understand what is going on and to keep track of all the characters and powers etc. If I would have known what I know now, I would've waited until more material comes out before starting.