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Hunter x Hunter will be posted Late Wednesday (tomorrow) Night!

I am excited to get back into watching it after I return home!



Meh, couldnt you start with "Update for HxH"? xD all i saw on my mobile phone pushup message was "Hunter x Hunter..." and i thought a new reaction was there, haha :D But still, thanks ofc for the update :D


Nice! Is JoJo planned for this week too do you know or is that next week? Looking forward to more Bleach too!


Would be nice if Bleach was twice a week!


what do you think about the Hunter x Hunter opening? sure it's the same song, but personally I never skipped or got tired of it. even after the show ended i'm religiously listening to it


Are we finally going to get a JoJo reaction this week? :\


I don’t think she watched any yet, she skips the One Piece OPs as well. Once she reacts to the last episodes, I’m gonna ask if she can make a video reacting to all the OPs and EDs for the show.


thats too bad. i felt "hunting for your dreaaams" enhanced the experiences watching HXH for the first time


Sad it's almost over. Well aleast we still got One Piece not much of a JoJo fan. Watched the 1st season just couldn't get into it.