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So while I’m not sure my old One Piece reactions will ever get unblocked off of youtube I am going to make a google drive folder for all of the old ones. However they won’t be the full reactions since I didn’t save the full files for the old ones. But I am going to try to fight it on YouTube but if not, the entire collection will be available in a file. I’ll figure something out when I get back home from visiting my friends and family



You can do it!


Do what you can, hopefully it will all get resolved !


is this gonna effect your uploads here by any mean?


hopefully on vimeo but that sucks overall


they blocked on youtube? i was just watching a bunch of them




They're not blocked for me on yt


What are you talking about? They're blocked worldwide and if you go to her channel, there are only 2 One Piece videos and they're not related to reactions.


I am so sorry this happened. You definitely need to fight it, to at least get them monetized for them, if anything at all. If that doesn't work out, you can re-upload redirects of them, I guess. It's such a shit situation, too. What the fk happened at Toei to trigger it?


Yeah never mind. I still see all of them, but i tried clicking on one of them now and saw the copystrike message.


They blocked all of my Dragon Ball super reviews and one piece reviews as well. This means war lol. Blocking videos with no visual content shown


when you receive a push message with the title "one piece..." on your phone and you are so excited for Ep. 678 .." and its an update 😭

Christian Thomassen

Wow, that is pretty harsh. Did they say anything about why they blocked it? I Believe you at least have a right to know why they blocked your content, maybe there is something that can be done to undo it if you know the reason.

Monkey bing bong

Toei can be extremely stingy and erratic. I've seen them take down videos that were animations of Dragon Ball. Not even footage of the actual series.


I think I have all of your full reactions between 229-574 if you want to get them for the collection https://i.imgur.com/IZAjwym.png


Got Episode 151-677 as backup on my Google Drive too :D aswell as all Bleach and HxH Episodes, so ill never lose them ^^


Excuse me, do you still have episode 690-874 of OP as backup on drive? Can you share them with me? I appreciate it. Thank you very much. I spent a long time sending her private messages or comments, but she didn't want to talk to me. I tried to ask others on discord, but all I got was ridicule. At the same time, I am also looking for various solutions online. I really have no other way. I am very excited to see your comments here. Please help me. plz.