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Hey everyone I am going to try out vimeo again.  Since there is a limit to weekly uploads I am going to re-upload my recent HxH reaction and the Sabo returns reaction on vimeo.  It should be up later tonight I am not sure how long things on Vimeo take to process.



Thank you! 🙌🏾




I hope you don't remove the Mega Links cuz they always work for me


dont rush yourself its okay thank you so much. AND MAKE SURE TO SLEEP WELL.


I never understood how people had issues with the mega links, I don't even pay for mega and I never had a viewing problem. I never hit a viewing limit. but then again I watch them on my desktop when I view videos on mega


Gambare SMF! Gambare!


vimeo definitely makes things easier on our end (I never had problems with google dr but vimeo works better overall), hope it works out well :)


I still think a decentralized source like a seedbox is the answer. It's cheaper and can't be flagged down like drive/mega/etc.


Thank you hope it works out


Never tried vimeo myself, but can't the weekly limit be bypassed by making multiple accounts or changing your IP address?

Alex Reyes true 1 PIECE FAN

I pay five dollars for mega just to watch her reactions and it still buffers a lot. Might be my wifi.


You could just download the files for free (though mega has like a 3GB per day limit) instead of streaming it.


Awesome, love vimeo


Google drive never works so this might be a great improvement


this is great to hear, basically being forced to download 80% of uploads is really annoying.


because it seems like 80%of the time or more if I try to watch her uploads on drive the stream won't load and mega has like a 25-30 minute viewing cap. which requires me to download them. weird question seems like you're fishing for a patreon argument or something.


You have to pay for Vimeo so at that rate you might as well just get a bigger package. The free one only has a 500mb per week limit that is like nothing 😂

Jonathan Tavira-Alcaraz

I use a laptop and mega would always stop playing half way through a video that was an hour or longer video. For google I just wait 24 hours to watch a upload. But what ever you use I’ll still watch.


Steve just wondering. But do you have a mega account or no?


I do. A free one but I do. Should that allow me viewing of the full video?


I believe so. Normally what I do instead on downloading it. Is on one tab on a desktop I'm logged into my mega account and on another tab I have my pateron account open. I click the mega link and it takes me to the black screen and I'm able to watch the full video.


I'll give it a shot if she gives up on the new video host.


Are you sure about the 3GB download limit per day? Yesterday i downloaded the newest Bleach, HxH and One Piece with mega.


Yeah vimeo is better


Vimeo is a terrible site, but probably the best alternative.


Hopefully google drive is still an option since that always works best for me. Just add to my own drive and I have it on every device no viewing or download limits lol.