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Google: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rHZNQ1X8vNmc75gCQC99VmCt8coMcOVh/view

Mega: mega.nz/embed#!7sNkjYYK!5mGoj8I_52rRE2EVdwufyLgEybd0-4r2BJwHOyHKSJg




Yessss was waiting for this one!!


Great timing.. just wanted to ask can u do one punch man 2nd season here in patreon?

5th Round Lawler

Eren went through some major character development last season. He basically recognized that his way of doing things was really flawed. Now don't you think him getting emotianal and making wrong decisions based on those emotions would be a huge disservice to the development he went through the last episodes? Just think about it ok. Love ya.


Yeah Law and Levi have the same voice actor xD told ya


what about bleach for this week?


I will, I am still trying to put together a schedule so I can add it, I might wait until I finish Hunter x Hunter though. Which I guess I am getting close to

Ali M

SMF has zero faith in Erin 🤣


He could hate himself for making a mistake though. The look in his eyes you could tell he made a mistake and he was really hating himself for it. Which is why with Levi he didn't even argue back. That is why I feel like his emotions got the best of him.


Can anyone remember the last time we had an actual schedule? Why even give schedule updates when you know you aren't going to able to follow them? Can't complain much as a $1 patron, but I thought I'd give some honest feedback.


She was at a con last weekend and gave fair warning. Not a robot lol

Ian Kirk

SMF do you have S1,S2,S3P1 on some hard drive? I imagine not but in case you do.. have you considered putting up on your Patreon?