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Hey guys, (running off of no sleep atm) I had a corrupt file while exporting the full video and had to fix that issue so currently the full reaction will be up a little later than expected.


Mizanul Alam

It's fine Jamie don't worry, but watch people get angry🙄

Kyle Garrett

Thanks for letting us know!


Is it just hard for you to fall asleep or what? It seems like you don’t get much of it.


As much as I'm loving all the content, don't forget to take care of yourself so you don't get sick! It's not easy making this many videos on top of editing. Keep up the great work!


Thanks for the heads up! Good luck getting some sleep soon aswell.


That’s fine I’ve been waiting for this moment since you started. I can wait a bit longer

Mr. Toastman

Do people actually care, as long as the abbreviated reaction is up on YouTube anyways? I treat these full reactions as a sort of bonus, but maybe that's because I only pay a buck for them.


Truuuuuue other tuber charge 8 to 10 dollars for full reactions that’s a few dollars less than Netflix

Ali M

Thanks a lot Jamie but don't overwork yourself too much ok? 🙂

Colum Lennon

No worries just get some sleep now we can wait your health can't


Get some sleep, we'll be alright.


no worries i was just surprise to see it on youtube and not in patreon XD enjoy your night


I like this update, but please don't overdo it. We all want you to be healthy, One Piece isn't going anywhere ;)

Joseph Dailey

is it just me or did i miss her saying she got sick again this is a pretty normal schedule it not anywhere near as taxing as affecting someones health


Please, don't push yourself. If it's getting the point where you're not sleeping and taking days off due to stress, please consider slowing down (at least for the time being).