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Lets goooo


5 episodes?? Is it Christmas already? Damn my 2019 flew by really quick!!

Franz Lorenz

Simple download squad


thicc &lt;3 ;)


it's here!!! Jamie-chan you just made my day.


Both of the links are for Google drive, i cant access the mega link


What do I have to do to watch the first link on my phone or my Xbox Dx


<a href="https://mega.nz/embed" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://mega.nz/embed</a>#!vbBn1Y4J!zSq9G23SO1rAB53JGxfPhA0QYr6e2qgkGpW5qR6ig3U


So, here's a little interesting fact about admiral akainu: You actually saw him before. During Robin's flashback when the marines had a buster call against Ohara, the marines pretended to evacuate the children while actually blowing up their ship instead. The one who blew up that ship of children was akainu, who was a vice admiral at the time. We didn't see his face, but Aokiji mentioned his first name, Sakazuki.


Jamie , who is your favorite admiral so far , I mean the one you hate the less 😂 ?

Nathan Grenawalt

Wow, I actually never caught that Akainu was at Ohara! Thanks, Michael Vaysman.


Jamie will react to the openings? hugs.

Colum Lennon

Akainu is pronounced as asshole very easy to get right

Kyle Garrett

Love the little theories and predictions you're adding at the start! It's fun knowing what's going to happen and then hearing your guesses.


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GOOGLE DRIVE: Copy file to your own Google Drive, then make a copy of it. Then you can download the copy. MEGA: Get MEGAsync (if you don't already have it) and open it. Click on the gear symbol and click on "Streaming". Click on "Public link" and enter the MEGA link from SMF's post (without the iframe code stuff [which never works anyway xD], just the browser link to the video). Then you can watch it with your favourite streaming application like VLC Player without draining your free mega bandwidth. Your Welcome!


I love it ! Just what I needed after the Gym and before Lunch ! Thanks Jamie-Chwaaannn.


Great Reaction!

Mizanul Alam

"expect a lot of one piece" Me: na u good u upload more than enough for us to be satisfied lol (keep up the good work! You're amazing)


If there's no one helping you with the episode bunching, I'd highly recommend doing 5 for the next sitting. Either that or 2 and 3 - making sure you end at 480. If you got someone helping you with bunching, plx ignore thnx.


"Halfway through". Nope not really xD. Oda said it's about 80% done.

Dario Campos

even Oda himself doesn't really know tho, he said he was going to end soon while he was on water seven arc, he just didn't think it would take so much more time to explain everything that's going


Wow you're extremely pretty.


Question: do you read/watch episode titles when you watch One Piece? I'm sure your mods have told you this, but One Piece episode titles are notorious for spoilers, and there are going to be some BAD titles in the near future. So be forewarned.


Is she not doing bleach reactions anymore ?


She said she doesn't read episode titles because she was spoiled in one/some of the first handful of episodes


She stated it's on hold due to copyright issues.


Well to be fair, that was actually Akainu's debut in the series, and we never really got a good look at his face until marineford, so it's pretty easy to miss. I doubt many people caught it first time watching, unless they were already spoiled.

Luiz Gustavo

I'd recommend you watching until 479 and the next video until 483, just keep the usual 4 eps per reaction an it's all good

Jimmy Orchid

Sengoku didn’t want the world to see that the navy have to use dirty tricks in order to defeat Whitebeard, that would make the world see the navy as weak. Aokiji is Lazy Justice, if you’re a pirate with a low bounty, he’ll probably let you go. Akainu is Absolute Justice, if you’re a pirate, it’s doesn’t matter what kind of bounty you have, you’re dead. Kizaru is High Justice, he’s the admiral you don’t want to meet, you don’t know what he’s going to do. WARNING! The next series of episodes might give you a heart attack, so be careful, have fun and enjoy. KEEP CALM AND WATCH ONE PIECE!!!


lmfaoo after seeing how strong mihawk is "What was zoro thinking?!?!" You and me both Jaime


Your next set should stop with episode 179


That was the plan but I couldn’t just end at 479, 480 was a better stopping point.


daaamn, that boob window tho ;)