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I do, if I showed you the raw episode footage from my phone which I use as a camera. The episode is very loud. I use a front facing condenser mic so it only really picks up my voice. I’m tired of explaining this to people. Obviously I’m not going to blast the episode to full volume and risk YouTube copyright but I can hear everything just fine, even whispers or quiet talking from characters. Cmon now.



I had no idea you used your phone as the camera that's pretty 👍

Mizanul Alam

People are really stupid sometimes why the hell would anyone watch a show with no sound lol


Listen Jamie. Just ignore them. You are going to have to accept the fact that this world is filled with a bunch of audacious imbeciles.

Mr. Toastman

lmao, why do people care if you use audio or not


Didn't know that was a thing lol


people actually think this? rofl

Daniel Zhang

lmao this is hilarious. People are so weird xD Keep up the good work! Super excited for every HxH reaction you post :)


I think some think because they watched anime for awhile they know how to pronounce all the nuances and proficient pronunciation of a language that isnt their 1st. They are like wondering why she can't pronounce some names well as she hears them.


Bleach soon?


Some people think the earth’s flat and the government’s hiding it. Accusations like this should be expected from time to time, sadly.


Are you sure they're people. You haven't met them you know. They might be the reptilians trolling you.

Luis Monegro

You have to stop responding to these trolls. If they’re serious about their complaints it’s an obvious issue with them and not with you. You should ignore them SMF.


I can hear the audio just fine. Maybe they should buy new speakers. Do these people even know what a copyright strike is?


Please stop reading their shit ITS OBVIOUS they are trolling you😂