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💮WATCH DS ON CRUNCHYROLL: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GY5P48XEY/demon-slayer-kimetsu-no-yaiba



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now.. we wait...


demon slayer s4 ep 8 patreon

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First of all great visuals as usual. Secondly... I can understand Amane but to allow his two oldest to die with him in that suicide explosion is just not right. Even if they themself insisted to stay they shouldn't have been there in the first place. God I got mad at it in the manga back in the day and in this episode again. And last but not least. What is it with studios doing movies for the last arc(arcs)? The same shit happens with Haikyuu and I don't like it one bit. First of all we will have to wait after every movie for at least 6 month and I already know which moments they stop each of the first two movies in (nice cliffhangers). Then I can't watch it in the cinema since the closest two cinemas that show animes at all are 120 and 140 km away (one way). Not to mention that I would have to watch it with 200+ other people that just can't shut the fuck up.

Pablo Salazar

i cant wait for the moives to come out