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How brutal/sexually explicit would you like my videos to be?

  • Gentle Femdom (No KO's or death, just choking/crushing) 4
  • KO's, but no permanent body injury such as death, broken limbs, etc. 16
  • Potential permanent bodily injury such as broken limbs, fingers, ribs. 3
  • Death, neck breaks, rib collapses. 13
  • Lower amounts of sexually explicit content, at most kissing/hugging 0
  • Medium amounts of sexually explicit content, as an example crotch stroking, grinding. 6
  • Higher amounts of sexually explicit content, such as handjobs, blowjobs, intercourse. 15
  • 2023-09-06
  • 57 votes
{'title': 'How brutal/sexually explicit would you like my videos to be?', 'choices': [{'text': "Gentle Femdom (No KO's or death, just choking/crushing)", 'votes': 4}, {'text': "KO's, but no permanent body injury such as death, broken limbs, etc.", 'votes': 16}, {'text': 'Potential permanent bodily injury such as broken limbs, fingers, ribs.', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Death, neck breaks, rib collapses.', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Lower amounts of sexually explicit content, at most kissing/hugging', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Medium amounts of sexually explicit content, as an example crotch stroking, grinding.', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Higher amounts of sexually explicit content, such as handjobs, blowjobs, intercourse.', 'votes': 15}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 6, 15, 46, 25, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 57}


Hello, just considered that there is a really wide variation of how brutal or sexual my videos can be on a scale, but wanted to know what you guys think. I'll probably stick to having a variety on this scale, but it's useful to know what is more popular. I'll put options on the poll for both brutality and sexual explicitness so feel free to vote for both, or if you want a mixture of types you can vote for more than one. If you have other ideas outside of what I've listed feel free to comment!



Do you think you'll do more FvM or FvF? That might...influence my answers to a degree


The split on the poll was 33% FvF and 66% FvM so I'll probably try and vaguely stick to making one FvF video for every two FvM videos. Not like exactly but as a rough idea of how many of each I make. The next one is FvF so that will make it so I will have released 4 FvM and 2 FvF which sticks to the 2:1 ratio, though this poll will not affect the next two I'm releasing as they are already planned out.

Marek Jarecki

Could You do variants? like soft video but with harder longer version with like limb, ribs and neck/head crush/break? I prefer the more violent videos and for me when there is only KO it looks like unfiinished video;ld


I have realised since I posted this that making content that is more brutal is a lot more likely to go against Patreon and other sites TOS, and I am personally more comfortable making KO's. I have seen other creators get banned for making more extreme content, so I decided my content going forward is just gonna be KO's at most.