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The table is on fire! But someone's SCORCHING. Where did she go?! We'll see in the steamiest page next time <3 Hope you like it



Austin Morrison

Oh my god Sonic’s face in the first panel is the greatest XD

Austin Morrison

The Emeralds in the comics were made by aliens called the Drakons so I suppose yeah, you can classify them as “extraterrestrial.”


And then they bring out the little petri dish of sentient algae. "We demand the return of our ancestral treasures!" :D


I mean, everything on our world was once not of this world, yknow, so what's NOT extraterrestrial? rhetorical of course, don't rustle Reuben too much as he's trying real hard to find a loophole in G.U.N's arguments. He has a boss to appease &lt;3


Loving Sonikko's expression in the first panel! It's so funny! XD


Sonikko may not be as zippy as she was in her prime but that woman can make a quick exit.

Austin Morrison

Glad to see she's kept her speed