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DON'T FORGET THE TWITTER POLL!  It's also easier to read the character bios there, should you be interested!

WE'RE BACK! PRIME POLL 12! KICK IT! You guys ACTUALLY, OVERWHELMINGLY chose Prostitute Sonic of all things. A bit disappointing but, moving on... This selection is about societal/occupational/universal/temporal displacement I guess! You will see I rearranged the last two prelims a bit - I sadly took out ChaosCroc's Sonic because this poll deals with universes where ONLY Sonic is not male-coded. So, sorry. I did put two universes that I keep ignoring to all your chagrin, though - Archie and Boom versions of Sonic will appear. Why not? They're alternate universes too!




Woah, talk about nearly hit the wrong choice when you lined up the votes. The line up for the thief and DaHog were switched. XD


Went Stepford Sonic. I love her down-home design. :)


well the pictures are never really there to indicate the sorting <3 sorry. shoulda been more careful about that i guess. but i think you can change your vote on patreon! can't do that on twitter tho

Richard L Oswalt

My choice will probably lose but I just had to pic Stepford Sonic.


Go with your heart ❤️❤️ honestly i can't believe how much this one became so top heavy, so to speak. It's a bit unfair, i legit love all of these options.


Going with good ol' Dahog!


God this is hard XD


Damn, Soniq's already killing it and that's my top pick so I might put in a vote for Stepford because I want her second-most, heh


I like the Rogue Thief, but I voted for the Team Rocket grunt. The costume reminds me of the parody that MAD made back in the 90's


I don't have a cellphone so i cant log into twitter.


Soniq DaHog Top of my list. second comic Really want a Team Rocket Grunt Sonic. Getting molested by pokeymon would be hilarious to me. No i`m not Japanese. I am American. It is funny. an sexy. Sonic the Rogue Thief If it ends up anything like Goblin Slayer Or Skyrim then yeah i am interested. Stepford Sonic When you say and Company. This brings up the question Will Rogue, Amy,Vanilla and Cream be there? A little more info would be appreciated. An will Female Shadow be there?