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Hello! Yes, you're seeing it right!

I'm developing a new video game. And this time, I know my limitations: That's why I'm doing it with a team!

SONIKKO STORIES: THE SHIFT PEARLS is a multiple-choice multiple-ending visual novel, with elements that carry over between individual runs. Think of it as Fallout's dialog system with... no 3D exploration - but with plenty of steamy visuals!

In this story you'll play as Tails who has to uncover the mysterious and mystical powers behind a new type of gem: The Shift Pearls.

The work on the game is in very early stages, and the art of it hasn't sadly started. That being said the general code work on it is going swimmingly thanks to my coder. I also am planning on a unique OST and maybe even... partial voice acting??? 

All of this, of course, means that I have to make contracts and pay people. So that's where I need to grow my operations a little bit. I'll show the first bit of development-work to all patrons (and some early stuff on Twitter and other places) but after some while, the progress posts and eventually the demo-full releases will have to happen on my Gamer Queen tier. Everyone who has been on the Gamer Queen tier for some time during 2021 will get special credits in the game.

Likewise, I'll introduce new goals to my Patreon campaign where reaching a higher goal will mean more production qualities, functionalities and specialty stuff for the eventual game product. I sadly had to do it this way, otherwise can't really pay for the talented people who can enrich the experience.

The game is being worked on in the Unity engine, and visuals will be 2d. The animations will be done using Spine, and will predominantly feature original artwork from me. You'll see more about the game soon enough <3 Stay in touch!




Excited to see it. ❤️


Happy to hear you resolved on your idea and what you can accomplish. I take it Renpy being used for this game?


No, it's a custom visual novel engine developed in Unity. There will be more to show &lt;3


Holy moly. That's a hella lovely looking Sonikko


I hope tails gets to become a vixin with her sexy bestie sonic


Very curious, will there be more characters to pursue than Sonic alone? Not that I take issue with that obviously, though I couldn't help but wonder.


Will this still happen?