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It was really close but The Whore Cop made it out! Such rejoice, it's my absolute favorite as you know by now.  I barely was able to make the new selection of four Sonics right before my surgery. For that reason, I finally elected to do away with all the dates of the each gauntlet. I seem to never be able to meet the dates and now I'll be on a healing period, I'm not sure when I'll get to do the next. I'm sorry but at least I won't let you be contentless for the week.

Thank you for your votes, support, interest, inputs, and enthusiasm as we went through half the prelims throughout the year. As I'm pushing my life to new boundaries & finding my true identity in this world thanks to you, I'm glad you'll always enjoy my stories about Sonic.

<3 Vote away.




DAMN, Egg Empress was so close. I'm surprised Whore Cop won. I figured since we'd gotten some comics of her recently someone else should have come in.


Sonic Croft because the gold statue version is going to look amazing. :D

Austin Morrison

Praise to the supreme goddess!


Darn. Always seem to like one that won't win. Storybook Sonic! &lt;3 ^^; *sighs* Excellent art though as always. :3


Damn, Egg Empress was my choice. XD


Happy to see Cop Sonic won! For my next choice, gotta be schoolgirl