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EDIT: Now available for Super Stars too!

Happy new years everybody! Sorry it's been so late, but I've done it before the year has ended! Happy holidays and let's have 2020 less shit than the previous!

I kid, of course, you guys have been the primary thing in my life that keeps salvaging my years nad my life. I hope I'm able to return the favor <3

Part 1 up is for Super Stars, and I hope you like this part as well! Part 3 is up next month (I think I'll merge it with Part 4 into one big post to end the story, instead of dividing it into two) so be on the lookout!




Awesome been waiting for this


I love it. Was waiting for her to get fucked like the slut she is. But hot damn, that close up on her puckered lips made me nearly explode.


excited to see what those devices she's supposed to leave actually do! ( although i might have an idea)


this is good stuff hee hee worth the wait


Thank goodness! Page 5 made me worried his face would be focused on and made purposefully ugly. Can't stand when they do that in hentai. &gt;.&lt; So yeah, five stars, awesome series! :D &lt;3


no, it's just that i needed to draw some readable expressions when the poem demanded it, is all. i don't like that in hentai either


It was good, kinda seem like not a full ending however, but still good

Gregorius Daneli

Well, it was definitely a blast. Here's hoping for a thrilling conclusion and a great 2020.