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Hey fellas. I'm going to freeze my campaign during November. You will not be charged in November, and thus you don't have to take any action. I'll be back with new projects right after the end of November- can't miss the festive month after all! Thank you for your continuing pledges.

This is not going to be a vacation-leave per se, but I want to have some time to breathe in between projects. The work on Casino Sonikko (my game) has been slow due to all the comics and commissions I had to make, so I want to focus on that. A month of gamedev work still won't make for good content, and thus, I felt it wasn't fair to charge you guys.

I will also dedicate this time to kind of figure out and write my next big projects. October and December will see small projects that I will kind of do without proper writing, but I can't afford to have that for bigger projects, which require planning out fast.

And finally, I haven't played any video games for 2 months or something. Really, I haven't been going out for a long while at all and my roommate is really worried. I packed on so much weight due to sugar-rushing myself to work on all these stuff. I hope you understand, I like to have a couple days to just do nothing. Enjoy some sun if it's still up, etc.

Thank you for all these strong 2 years of awesome, heartfelt support and friendships I've come to establish in the Discord server. It's only going to get better. I love you all, and thank you so much for making such a thing possible.



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