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And it's coming, make sure to return to your seats before teacher rolls around!

Personality Adjustment Test is going to be a 23-Page romp! The story takes inspirations from Death Note and it's a story about a mysterious test - that asks for two names instead of one! How weird. It stars Sonikko and Kenny, and also features Jake, Nyxus, and several other fellas you might expect - or not!

Except for this month, there will be 4 pages every month! This month there will sadly be 3 pages (if you include this cover art, then it's 4, though!) This took me a while to make and I wanted to make sure to get every small detail right. And... well, what the hell, you can find the little polaroid featured on this cover in the attachments <3

This lesson is going to be very fun.

(This is the 50% size reduced SD version. HD version will be up next month and it will be available for all patrons)




Still love how his face looks on he report card &lt;3 He looks so cute

Fez the Baron

I wonder if or belvoed blue idol will eb the only one getting a sexy adjustement..