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Hi fellas! A couple days late on this post, so I'll just get to the point. Sorry for the late schedule on this.

So basically, there are good and bad news for my patrons this month. I'll start with the bad, but please do stick around for the good as well!

As most of you are already aware, the updates on Irresistible Nature will sadly come more sparingly this month. Instead of 7 pages for the month, my Idols will only going to get four (Pages 31 to 34), with pages coming every Saturday. The 7-page schedule will return the next month because I want to wrap it up before August. For those who are curious, 30th page is the projected middlepoint of the entire story.

The reasons for the slowdown is that I experience slight burnout from doing the same thing over and over, and it affects the quality of some pages, or at least making the art quality become inconsistent at best. Despite the big support I've acquired from my Discord patrons, I still want to ask and make sure with all of you that this is okay with you. If you want to talk about it with me, my messaging system is always open. If you want me to make a poll regarding this again, I will. I'm here to make you happy with my art and please do talk to me so I can make it better.


But yeah. What's good news, then? 

Right now, I'm working on yet another small comic project after being inspired MASSIVELY, and you're definitely going to see at least a couple pages of it this month -so in overall you're getting around the same amount of pages for the month anyway. I don't want to give no names or further details about it for now, because I like more grandeur reveals. You'll see the announcement soon enough, as I already have 3 pages at least partially sketched and currently working on inking the first page.

This comic is going to be akin to The Gem Witch in presentation. Full color, small on the speech bubbles, and will consist of several pages at best. Unlike Gem Witch I think of releasing new pages in a "whenever it comes out" kind of a schedule, as I think I've done a very, very bad job with Gem Witch artistically and I don't want to repeat the same mistakes.  I want this one to look a lot better.

This comic will be for my Superstar Patrons (and Idols of course, as a lot of you keep asking me about it whenever I reveal something for Superstars, lol) as I think the past couple months have been really dire for them, due to me exclusively working on Irresistible Nature. I tried to even the value with the Sketch Packs but it always feels like leaving some leftover food for the others.

The comic itself is inherently early access (as the pages will be publicized at some point during Summer), but my patrons will also be getting full HD versions of the pages, linearts, sketches, extra concept art and the PSD file - alongside this month's own sketch pack, which will contain 4 more pages of Irresistible Nature if you're following the story through the packs.

I always try my best to meet the value of your pledges so I direly hope it's all understandable with you, whether you're a patron for a long time or a new patron and 50+ pages of Sonikko to go through.

Also, don't forget to message me if I forgot sending you the last 5 pages of Irresistible Nature, which are distributed by Patreon messaging system only.

Thank you and I hope you have a good day, week and month <3




Yes, of course, always.