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Hello again! First of all... God, thank you so, SO much guys, for the immediate support you showed me!!!! Within 3 days I've neared 300$ in pledges! This is wonderful and, in a way, it should be rewarded.

I'll be carrying out an early-release version of my comic, which is basically the same as releasing it outright since it's 98% done at this point. Except, I will be listening to my patrons' criticism, as it is my first big comic ever and I'm sure I've done plenty of wrongs about it. The main difference is that it won't include the PDF version, and will only have the individual pages in a zip file. The PDF file for 5$ patrons will be released in the 22nd. Until then, I might focus on ironing out the kinks you might point out, so I give you guys the best I can give!

Due to this, I'm adding another charging day, the 19th: The same day I'm planning on doing this soft-release. It is also going to be a test-course for me to see how easy or hard it'll be to distribute my goods reliably!

Thank you so much for your continuing support guys. It really means so much and I hope I make all you beautiful people happy with my works the moment you acquire it!

Disclaimer again: Don't forget to set up your Optional Monthly Maximum Pledge to Once a month ONLY. Here is how to do it, if you haven't set it up at the point of the pledging. Not doing so will result in re-charging you, and could lead to unwanted results in your balances.


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