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Final Illustration for this fic. This is my last part of the job. 

Collaboration between Maytee, Cypher(sketch) and Me(coloring). 

Sorry, without, sketch this time, because we lost a clear sketch and I merged it inside psd.




Yay, ponies in space and future and it's not even too dark and gritty to boot. Also, is it me or the ships look vaguely alike to EVE Online designs?


KirillK is here. It's not only you. :3 The bottom left based on Caldari Heron/Buzzard and the VTOL's based on Amarr dropships. :3 I'm a fan of EVE, yeah.


Heheh. Bottom left really reminded me of Tempest, except the color. Too shiny for matar ships xD Ah, EVE. One of those games I'm forever admiring and never have time / motivation to actually play.


You need to live there to get what game can give to you. It's for absolutely no-lifers if you play serious. But i'm still playing on 2 free alpha-accounts. One gallente and one minmatar. Not often, just to feel that feeling... of your own lonelyness and evilness of universe.


True, it can be pretty ruthless. Ponyos better watch out) Although I'm pretty sure princesses have got a few supercarriers parked in L3, just in case some capsuleers would want to cause trouble)