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We're very much on target with the next zine, featuring 4 lost elvish courts, the Windrunner nomads, and elvish spells and magic items. As always, this is made possible because of your support (and we're quite excited by this topic after the darkness of the Void last time!)

The print copies are out with their messengers and should arrive at your castles, keeps, and hamlets this week (perhaps already for some!). 

The digital and ethereal realm is speedier than even elvish griffon back---you can claim your PDF copy today using code 3LFL4ND5 at the Kobold Press Store.

Get a glimpse the glorious elven past  before October 31, when the elves retreat once more from the world of mortals!




I think that obsidian could instead work like silvered weapons in reverse, allowing them to be better against divine beings.


I never received a copy of #32 in print. Is there anything I can do to still get a copy?

Kobold Press

Yikes, sometimes things do go missing (thankfully it is rare). We'll send out a replacement pronto!