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It's 2022, you wonderful patrons, and we've got a lot upcoming in this grand new year!

Let's start that off with opportunities for playtesting. We want to give everyone in this Warlock community the chance to playtest our various upcoming projects.

And the first such project has arrived! Join the latest playtest muster here: 


Go fill out that form! Then our playtest wrangler Ben will send out instructions on how to provide feedback and on timelines for completion. To keep this project on schedule, please consider your availability to make any deadlines. Signups will close February 20th at 11:59 pm PST (but don't wait or you'll miss the first wave!!!). The first wave will be sent out the weekend of January 15th. The second wave should go out by February 18th. Reports must be turned in by March 19th, but the playtest feedback form will be available throughout the test cycle. These dates may be extended a little, but you should consider them firmly set.

Much of this process will spill over on Discord at Midgard Adventures (though it's not mandatory). If you're already  signed up there, you'll receive an invite to a private playtesting channel where you can find more information on the playtesting. If you're not yet on our Discord, just go to this link:


(The link is only good for the next week!)

We greatly appreciate your participation and contribution to this project and look forward to reviewing your reports. If you participate, you'll be asked to keep the provided materials confidential, but based on our previous experiences with playtesters, that hasn't been an issue.

Thanks, and here's to what is sure to be a great playtest cycle!


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