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Thank you for your support!!!

Your support moves forward with the development of this application.

You can download the latest VCam from this link.

* Do not share links with the public.

If you use macOS 12, please use the version (v0.10.1):


If you use macOS 11, please use the version (v0.7.3):


VCamMocap, which can track using the iPhone's ARKit, is now available for pre-release distribution:

Release notes:


Watch Twitter for updates:



VCam 0.12.1.pro.dmg



Thanks for making this for mac. Where do I send questions? I appreciate having something that works and look forward to this app becoming more powerful in the future. I seem to have to recalibrate the tracking often, and I wonder if there's a problem with my setup that's making that happen.


Thanks for your support! Questions can be submitted here or via GitHub issue or Twitter. https://github.com/vcamapp/app/ https://twitter.com/vcamapp Are you using macOS 12? tracking is less accurate on macOS 11. And, if you are using a camera, try to make sure your face is centered. Like in the image below : https://tattn.gitbook.io/vcam/i-how-to-use/i/tracking#kameratono (Sorry for the Japanese, I will translate it to English in the future)