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i have 0 idea how many times i tried to record this.... ANYWAY

topics: failure, happiness, being stuck in a room, not doing enough, and trying again.



I have opposite trouble compared to yours. I’m always outside so there’s not many personal items in my home. There’s no physical safe space for me because I can be fired, evicted or deported for any reason or for no reason. I’ve been evicted once and living on the streets is no fun. I live in a large apartment without anyone else, which is both expensive and depressing. I have no pet because I don’t like to leave them behind when I die. People are afraid of me because I can see their weaknesses, mistakes and frauds. Most only seem to show up when they are in crisis. It’s like avoiding a physical checkup so that one won’t have to admit they are sick.


For LS: Milestones are hard to achieve, and they depend a lot on luck. Dropping out, quitting work and having a work you wish not to disclose is no reason to beat yourself up. There are just too many factors to make right in order to make anything work, and one tiny error can cause the entire structure to collapse. Focus on what you can improve now. For example, your health and the family members who still care about you. Prioritize your tasks and act without hesitation. If you meet your challenges promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half. You are a great artist. Your work here is phenomenal. The quality of your work outweighs being “on time” or productive by far. Adherence to a rigid schedule isn’t an artist’s primary function anyways so don’t get upset about it.