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Its date night, everything has to be perfect. Everything was perfect... till you went off script.

Okay so tell me if im crazy but this relationship dynamic is really interesting and honestly i cant wait to explore it more in future audios!




The parts you play the genuinely terrified victim is truly heart wrenching (so props on the acting skills) and I can enjoy it like a dark movie... until mention or hinting at kids pops up. If that's where we are going after this video's end, then I have to politely say that's my limit. Discovered I found talking about raising kids in this kind of relationship put me off in the Tinder Yandere vid. But aside from that possibility, the concept and dynamic of the relationship in new a different, even if it's not fully my bag, being on the sub side of things and all.


Your voice acting is so realistic. The way you're able to convey the characters' emotions and paint a clear visual picture of the setting just through sound is truly astounding. Incredible talent. 10/10 IGN