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TW: Mentions heavy topics

You and your yandere have been together for nearly a year now, and due to your good behavior, she has begun to trust you more. You are even allowed to walk around the house freely. Today, she is acting weird... what has her so upset?


Arc of Carona

Knowing myself, I would’ve began crying in the middle of that story, since that loss obviously hurts you to this day, especially since I dealt with a loss that I haven’t gotten over, and by the end, I would’ve held you close and began playing with your hair


Oh lord... I can already feel a night worth of reflection with this one.


Before?! I feel so used. Good audio overall. (Dunno how bad stuff can get in 2 days, but that's over look-able)


Before? Am I a rebound darling?


On the one hand; I'm being flattered and watched over and told a cruel sob story about misfortune and loss. On the other; It's a yandere who would imprison me if I ever got even a little out of line for them. I love Yandere characters but I admit if I were this person then I would honestly be extremely confused about how to respond.