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Episode 143 : Sin × and × Claw


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Well, Hisoka is no doubt among the top 10 most powerful/best fighters we've seen in the entirety of HxH. The stars of a hunter also don't indicate how powerful someone exactly is. Ging is only 2 stars, but there's probably no one in the hunter association who could take him. Killua has no doubt surpassed the 1-star guy from the Greed Island arc after the chimera ant arc, but he was still significantly weaker than Shoot and Knuckle. Bisky's also a 2-star hunter like Ging and she could probably take out everyone in the hunter association other than Pariston and Ging (and the deceased Netero). For Pariston it's a pure guess, I'm merely assuming he's among the most powerful fighters in the organisation. That being said, there's also a lot of powerful non-hunters. And a lot of what I said is speculation. There's not a whole lot known about many of the most powerful characters. Though Gotoh seemed to lose easily to Hisoka (who is at least at Illumi's level), he was the head butler and probably the most powerful butler with perhaps the exception of the granny. Probably also still a decent chunk stronger than Killua and likely able to open all of the doors (could you imagine them making someone head butler who isn't at least capable of opening them all?).


Curiously, Ging's achievements actually qualified him to be a 3-star Hunter. In the manga, Kite tells Gon that the only reason he isn't a 3-star is because of Ging's lack of interest in the necessary paperwork.