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S08E05 : The Bells


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d&d really did danny dirty, but in my head all of that didn’t happen and its not canon since GRRM havent released his remaining Books yet, or maybe im delusional 😂


I don't mean to/can't defend this episode, or the decisions the showrunners made in it, but I believe this is how the story was always supposed to end - after all, the showrunners were just trying best they could to connect the list of story bullet-points GRRM left for them after he left the show at the end of season 4. I think one of the problems was that the accelerated pace of the last two seasons didn't provide enough build up for Dany's "mad-queen" turn. I mean, I can understand the rage - she lost two of her children, she lost Jorah and Missandei, her two closest friends and confidants, she felt betrayed by her advisors - Varys was trying to poison her, btw - and, however you feel about their relationship, she was rejected by the man she loved - she felt alone and unwanted - so I can see her breaking and wanting to kill all the Lannister soldiers and destroy the Red Keep to get to Cersei, but indiscriminately burning the entire city and every person in it, most definitely went against the character we had been following for more than 7 years.