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S04E03 : In the Name of the Rebellion: Part 1

I'm sorry it took a while for another Rebel episode, folks. But good news is I'm all done with Rebels and will be starting with Bad Batch IMMEDIATELY. You can expect an episode of Rebels every other night or so until the end of the series and then we'll get started with Bad Batch shortly after. Thank you guys so much for being patient and for being with me on this ride! :D


(No title)



Wait, do you know a fortnight means 14 days??? I am sure you didn't mean one episode every 2 weeks??? or did you??? LOL 😲


Haha sorry that was a typo - should be about every two days :)


So yes! The Specters are finally on Yavin 4! 😃 We are two or three years past Andor - you can use Mon Mothma as a reference (or Saw's graying hair for that matter, lol) - in Andor, at the end of season 1, she is still in Coruscant, and the timeline for that season was 5BBY (5 years Before the Battle of Yavin) BTW, if you ever re-watch Rogue One, you should look out for the Ghost parked on multiple spots on the base, and there is even one quick shot of Chopper rushing across the screen in the background!!! 😜


Also, I just watched your reaction to the Ahsoka trailer, and HOW GREAT WAS THAT??? Super excited!!! 😁 I knew you were going to love seeing the little Loth-Cat! lol