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S03E07 : "The Bear and The Maiden Fair"

I had the wrong date on the scheduler. My bad! This was supposed to go up yesterday!


(No title)



Your intuition on the Boltons is pretty good. Their sigil is not just a man upside down on that cross, it is a FLAYED (skinned) man upside down on that cross. There are stories about Bolton's ancestors peeling the skin of their enemies and wearing it as coats. YIKES! BTW, Robb's wife is from Volantis - Volantis is a city across the Narrow Sea, but it is relatively far from where Daenerys is right now. We do not have much information on her family, but she is supposedly high-born, so it is possible that her family owned some slaves, and trying to get away from slavery is why she left her home and came to Westeros.


Jamie jumping in the bear put is seriously one of the most heroic moments of this show. Love that