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S02E11 : Guidance ~Psychic Sensor~


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I forgot just how good the animation was for some of the scenes in this season. I still remembered it was great, but it's something else seeing it again. It's nice to finally see anime get some truly amazing animation in recent years. I also got a 4K blu-ray player last month and noticed there's some good anime collections available for pretty decent prices. Sadly not 4K since 4K anime is a rarity, but paying €30-€60 or so for a full season of some favourites on blu-ray is something I'd be willing to pay for. Though not all of them seem to have gotten good blu-ray releases (like Slayers, I think only season 4 and 5 were released on blu-ray in the west, but not the earlier seasons). I wouldn't mind seeing Mob Psycho and Demon Slayer in 4K, but... that probably isn't gonna happen any day soon, if at all. Japan doesn't seem to care much about 4K media just yet and properly upscaling and upgrading movies and anime to 4K is expensive. Still, at least classic movies like The Matrix and Lord of the Rings look absolutely stunning on it (especially since they actually went the extra mile for them and colour graded them again and removed the terrible stuff that were added on newer releases, like the green tint in the first Matrix movie).