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Season 1 Episode 6 : A Golden Crown


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Ooooh innocent child lol, his "eel" was his 1 eye willy, aka he jerked it into the stew haha


Random thought: Love the little sprinkles of Tagalog you put in your videos, it sounds like such a cool language. You should teach us a word every video :D


Awesome having you back with GoT!!! 😁 Catelyn should have followed Ned's command to do nothing and wait for proof, and she certainly made a rash - in her feels - decision that might have pushed this whole mess over the edge, but in her defense, all she knew at that point was that the Lannisters had tried to kill her son twice, and that the assassin's dagger belonged to Tyrion. Beware a mother's wrath! Yikes. Also, about the kids hair color thing, they made a point of showing how Robert's bastards all have dark hair - even though their mothers were blonde. "The seed is strong" indeed. Sorry, no DNA tests available in Westeros. LOL


Billy's cool 👍