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S01E02 : "Doubts about Youth ~The Telepathy Club Appears~"


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Well, I think most teens know they shouldn't give a damn. But well... that craving of wanting to belong to a group, to not feel alone, wanting to be liked, etc... and learning how to handle those feelings and figuring out what you eexactly want, is part of growing up. Though quite honestly, modern society is toxic. There's almost no room for people to develop properly into themselves. It's all about governments and large corporations shaping people into what they want them to be. It takes its toll on people... and especially on children (even before the pandemic, mental illness among children was rapidly rising). It's sad how in many supposed 'free and democratic' countries you can actually get arrested these days for your opinion. Now imagine being a child and constantly being told that many of the opinions that you naturally formed is wrong (whether directly or indirectly). It's pretty devastating to a child's development.


So cool! Can't wait for more of your anime reactions.