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Episode 12 "Last Test x of x Resolve"


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It was mentioned that those who were chained will be only released once the timer expires :)

Alex Wilkins

When it says "they will be unable to move until the time limit is up" I think that meant the 72 hour time limit total time limit and not the 3 minutes to get to the end.


In the manga there's actually a decent amount of differences in Killua's battle. Well, also the original anime (which covers up until the Greed Island arc). In both of those Killua doesn't put the ripped out heart in a bag and he crushes it apart with his hand after ripping it out. Heck, the manga also shows a flashback where the criminal rips out a chunk of a dude's arm. For some reason they decided to apply some censorship in the earlier episodes of the anime remake. I think the original anime and manga do stay more brutal, but at some point they stop censoring as heavily. And not all of the changes they made compared to the manga are negative. In fact, only this 2012 anime version covers the final 2 finished manga arcs and the art of the manga of these arcs was very poor because of the author's poor health (which is the reason the current reason there isn't even a finished manga arc after the material the 2012 anime covers).


The one's chained would have to remain chained the entire time left in the 3rd phase not just 3 mins. By choosing the long path no one needs to be chained and they had the whole hour to break through the wall.