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Thank you so much times 3,000 for the support!  (That's the number of thank yous for each one of you, not patrons lol.  Maybe one day though).    I wanted to give a quick update for the next couple of weeks for all the tiers:

I'm almost done with my Call of Duty Playthrough and I'll start my next gaming playthrough this week.  This hasn't been announced anywhere else, but I'll be playing Jedi Fallen Order for the first time and I'll be sure to upload the first few episodes on Patreon for all tiers before they go up on YouTube.    

Bite Sized Tier:

I'm almost done with cutting the longer versions for the first 13 episodes of Demon Slayer.  Regardless of whether or not I finish that, the Demon Slayer Movie will be up by the coming weekend.  I did move it down to this tier for all of my DS fam to see!  Then of course, on to Season 2!  

Snack Sized:

Spy x Family is done!  As you know I ran a poll on what to watch after.  And the winner is.....Arcane!  So I'll start watching this week with uploads next week at the latest.  One Punch Man only lost by one single vote!  So maybe we can do that at some point in the future.  The Clone Wars also goes on!!   I'd also like to do an anime movie watch party in July on this tier if there is interest. 

Full Meal   

SW: ROTS Episode 3 should be up by the weekend!  The next movie after that will be a classic movie that I haven't seen.  Also, Obi Wan is over now :(  In lieu of another show, I am thinking of just watching additional full length movies instead for the month.  A lot of you have expressed that you'd like that too.  Finally, there seems to be enough interest to do a movie night watch party.  However it seems that the July 1 date seems to be bad as most people have plans due to the holiday.  So I will probably schedule something for the following week instead.     

Stay safe and have a great week! 



Arcane!!!!!! Very excited for this one.


I honestly cant wait for u to watch arcane!! Hope u enjoy it

Anders Thomsen

Looking forward to Fallen Order. I really enjoyed that game. Which tier will that be on? (Forgive me, I'm new)


This will be on all tiers :) The full playthrough with similar cut will also be on YouTube but a lot of the episodes (particularly the first few handful) will be uploaded early here.

Gainz 4 Dayz

Can’t wait for Revenge of the Sith! I know you’ll love that one. It’s easily the best prequel by a long shot.