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This build adds a bunch of new mission content. Patrons will have access to this build immediately through the bleeding channel in the launcher. The update will be made available to Steam users and the censored/uncensored channels in one week.

Featured Additions:
Chapter 4. Unravel the chains that control humanity in New Inverness.

Four new 'Locks: Ophanim, Carnassus, Flamethrower Corrupts, and Mahou Arms's first boss, the Rockefallen's Gold Baroness.

Full Audio Rework (Thanks, Strikecast!)

Other Changes since 0.2.961:
- Soft checkpoints added to Chapter 1 (Auto-respawn at some locations if player dies, restoring their inventory)
- Amelia's Air Heavy in normal mode is now a different attack
- Chapter 3 BGM changed
- Option to continue on from Chapter 1 to Chapter 3 and Chapter 3 to Chapter 4 when in between missions
- Double jump no longer uses the same charges pool as air dashes
- Infinite air travel distance should no longer be possible by chaining Amelia's light air attack with itself
- Better quality models in HScenes using dynamic tesselation at High material quality setting
- Better handling for resolutions wider and narrower than 16:9
- Data Diaries have been added. These are used for lore and quests.
- Characters and Enemies now have more specific vulnerabilities to different attacks; health damage is separate from vulnerability to being hitstunned, stunned, grabbed, or launched. Different attacks are classified as weak or strong Physical or Magical attacks. Add better telegraphing for this in the future if it's not obvious enough in gameplay based on player feedback.
- UI reskin / rework on a couple of UI elements
- There is now a Holster management UI in the inventory for quickly removing a lot of items from the Holster at once.
- Lock On cursor now sometimes targets a more relevant part of an enemy instead of always the center of the character
- Inventory Details can now be scrolled with gamepad
- Characters now tick at max 16ms intervals (60FPS). The rest of the game still ticks beyond that if framerate is above 60FPS. This was done in the hopes of more consistent animation timing and significantly less CPU load.
- Knockback should no longer scale with game's Turbo setting
- Many bug fixes


Mahou Arms Chapter 4 Trailer

Trailer for upcoming Chapter 4 for Mahou Arms! Live on Steam on August 6: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1165870/Mahou_Arms/ Official Site: http://mahouarms.com/


Frank Leo
