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Many of you have been asking for a production roadmap, and here it is! Note that tasks that come up in the middle of production aren't included, and this is only a high level overview. It also doesn't take into consideration things like rescopes. If the scope drastically changes, we'll update the roadmap.





This is really cool! It's fun to see what you have planned for the next few years of development.


hi, I liked very much your game, the graphic y de dynamic of them but I tried many times to buy the game in the steam store but I couldn't because the bank has an error. you have another way to acquire the game to try it. please help me greetings Francisco Troncoso.


Hi Paperbag, new supporter here, this all sound very amazing, but I am wondering when you are planning to add on all the Relationship/Dating Sim Elements mentioned in the Game Design Doc? I think such elements will greatly benefit this game.


yep! sorry there hasn't been an update on that yet, it relies on a bunch of other systems we're working on rn


Will the steam version receive bleeding updates after some time? It will be sad if we can't experience some new contents until the game is eventually completed.


yup! steam version will be slightly behind but it will receive updates. (look at the green dots on that map)


Thank you for replying! I thought steam version will only receive Green dot updates but orange dot updates (bleeding) will be exclusive to patrons.


Just ask a question,orange dot update is exclusive to patrons user?,for example now is may 2020 got 3 content is exclusive to patrons user only? steam can't access?


Yes, I believe steam version will receive these contents on July. The developer said steam version will be slightly behind.


the content will release for patrons early but will be added in later steam builds