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Introducing the next magical girl! You've already seen her design from a previous post, but this post has additional design drawings and her bio.


Xiùlán’s family have often joked that Xiùlán would be “the wife you’d want in a war”, due to her proficiency with weapons and disinterest in luxuries. Travelling often to Russia in her youth with her father, and later to America for her education, she is fluent in both Russian and English.

Xiùlán’s personality has been described as “clock-like”: consistent, hard-working, and hiding a great complexity behind a pretty face. Loyal to her family and her country, she left school and returned home from America the moment the ‘Lock’s began their attack. Finding her country in worse shape than she expected upon her arrival, she was unable to reunite with her family and was instead quickly drafted into the army.

Xiùlán always outperformed her peers in battle, a trait initially thought to be a result of her past experience with weapons and hardy attitude. Eventually it was realised that her bullets were simply more effective against the ‘Locks than others, as if there were some extra force or intent driving them forward. This was communicated to GARDA and it was induced that she had the potential to transform.

Unfortunately, being a center of high population and a strong military, China has been under heavy assault from the ‘Locks, and if GARDA wishes to utilize Xiùlán, then they’re going to have to liberate her from the PLA’s entrenched position in the remote North-West of the country.

Casual mode:




Susan a cutie!


Where'd ya get the inspiration for this? She looks amazing!

Matt Ahn

OHMYGODSHESSOCUTEANDIHAVEACRISHONHERANDTHATISINAPPROPRIATE. Also, was she born to Chinese parents? Having a Chinese name but living in Russia and America, I'm a little confused. Sorry for the weird question, but I'm one of those guys who love analyzing lore in these types of games.


She was born to Chinese parents. Her father worked for the Chinese government and took her along on diplomatic visits to Russia while she was young. She moved to America on her own to attend university when she was older. She choose to attend school in America because she's a bit of a gun nut and liked the lax gun laws in America.


Wow, I love this design, especially the big arms. Super stylish!


That design is AMAZING!