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Properly introducing the first magical girl, Amelia! I realize you've already seen her many times, but she has some new concept art for her upcoming remodel for the new art style, so I felt it was a good time to introduce her properly as well.


Amelia leaves a strong impression on those who meet her, often being described as assertive, energetic, loyal, and quick-witted. It is likely these traits and more that inspired her to resist when the aliens invaded her hometown of Liverpool.

Whether by learned or innate means, she was able to resist their mental suppression weapons, break into a local police station, and arm herself. It was her gunfire that drew GARDA’s initial attention. Though brave, her actions were not overly successful as most conventional weapons have proven to be ineffectual against the ‘Locks. Thankfully, GARDA managed to airdrop her a prototype accelerant collar, allowing her to transform and begin repelling the aliens. Surprised by this resistance and fearing further retaliation, they retreated.

Since that time she has been working for GARDA and shown herself to be an intelligent, curious, and determined individual, almost to a fault. The commander has made a note in her file that caution should be taken when issuing her orders, as she is not likely to admit to the impossibility of a task or to the limitations of her abilities. Worse still, her bravado appears to be contagious. 




Amelia! <3<3<3


I prefer the much smaller bust here over some of the er.. "chestier" depictions I've seen in other posts.


Really like this new version and art style, hope to see the model with this art style too! Signed up just cause I saw this lol


She is an elf after all, elfs are normally anvils (goblin slayer) ;)