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This month's monthly AMA is a little short. I apologize.

I've been busy the last few weeks of February with freelance that you'll all be able to see soon hopefully. Juggling multiple projects is kind of what inspired this month's theme.

What helps you be organized? 

I usually create a checklist, or even a color coded spreadsheet. The spreadsheet was something that I did in college during my senior project. I kept the colors pretty simple. Red for it still needs to be done, yellow for in progress, and green for finished/approved. For the freelance that I'm in the midst of right now, a color chart has been invaluable. I'm pretty prone to panic on projects like this, but the chart has mitigated most of that. I keep reminding myself "You have a plan. It's ok." It's also nice to actually see what still needs to get done, and not have it all jumbled in my head. 



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