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As of now, it appears that True Lies is winning the latest Arnold poll, but it has been brought to my attention that the movie currently isn't streaming. When I quickly googled all of these movies for the poll, it appeared like it was available for streaming, so my guess is that it was removed recently? I've looked into all of the ways that I could possibly watch the movie, and I won't be able to properly record it right now until it's available to stream or rent. My plan is to watch the runner-up from that poll, and I'll record True Lies if it becomes available to stream again! 


Steve J

Remember, this is the age of streaming when you can watch "whatever you want whenever you want". ...unless it's one of the million horrible reasons we concoct for you to pay extra/not be able to see it/live in the wrong place

Aaron Taft

what is "streaming"? Is that where you get it off TiVo? Because you don't own the BluRay or DVD?