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Here's the full length reaction to S1E6 ("Condemned") of Daredevil! The stakes were so high in this episode that it almost felt like a season finale, but there's still half of the season to go! I can't wait to see what comes next, and I imagine things get even crazier later on in the season! I do hope to see more of Fisk's backstory at some point. Enjoy!


DAREDEVIL S1E6 - Full Length Reaction!

Welcome Patrons! Thank you so much for being a part of my Patreon community! I'm so truly grateful for your support. Here is the full length reaction to Season 1 Episode 6 of Daredevil! Enjoy! My Instagram: addie_counts



Now I don't know if my situation is unique to other patrons, but the way I'm set up is my computer sits inside a cabinet which faces the wall between our kitchen and living room. Our TV is to my left and behind me and I only have one computer screen. To me that doesn't seem conducive as a customer to a "watch along format" Now I am unaware if this is a common format among movie reactors and why it's done this way, but it just seems like it would be so much easier to do it like your normally would just simply unedited?? If someone could explain to me why that would be great, thank you:)


Easy! It's literally illegal to do it any other way. Some reactors take that chance but most don't. They don't own the show/movie with a public viewing license (like a movie theater has) because that's expensive as hell and comes with dozens of prohibitive rules. If you own the item digitally (or have access through a streaming service), and want to watch on your computer, just download a "picture in picture" extension for your browser, sync up the two windows, and you get the same experience as if they had the show in the reaction. (I watch mostly on my mobile device and use split screen or picture-in-picture along with a sound mixer app so I can listen to the audio of the two apps at once.) It's a pain...but it's a reactors decision if they want to potentially lose their account and content by including the show/movie. So, we work around it, as patrons!


I kind of thought the legality was a reason, and your right it is a pain, which to be honest I'm not sure if I want to continue, but the picture in picture extension sounds interesting and may have other uses for me, thanks for that tip, but as for watching thing this way I think I will take a pass:)


No worries! Happy to be of help, however small!

Patrick Egan

Well, the "why" has already been answered, she HAS to obscure the actual episode or she'll face legal trouble. As for coming up with a better way to watch, a smartphone would make a decent second screen. For my personal setup, I have the home theater in my living room which also has a computer hooked up to it, and I have my laptop on the coffee table. I watch the episode on the home theater, and the reaction on the coffee table.

Lorenzo Baxter

Yeah I really liked Vladamirs turn around. He's still done terrible things, but I think he saw Matt being stabbed in the back by Fisk, and heard the call with Claire, and felt some sympathy in there, even if it's a little bit. He was also stabbed in the back and lost everyone he loved, so it was cool how he decided to help Matt get away. And yep, Matt is one of those heroes that have the "no kill" rule. You saw a little of it with Spider-Man as well, (well kind of, as several times the live action Spider-Men killed their villains 😅) but Spider-Man also is a hero that doesnt generally kill. It's always an interesting time, dealing with heroes who have these types of morals, and how hard it is to walk the line between what's right and wrong when dealing with the worst of people. I'm so excited for the next batch of episodes, Addie! Also, just letting you know, for all seasons of the Defenders Saga shows, there's 13 episodes, so it'll always be uneven releasing them 3 at a time. Of course, you probably will just finish season 1 of Daredevil then go back to the MCU, which is probably a good idea. Finish that commitment before starting up a whole other one with all these shows 😂 See you next time!