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Here's the full length reaction to Episode 8 of WandaVision! It was so interesting to find out more about Agatha, and I loved seeing more of Wanda's past as well (she was born a witch???). Only one episode to go! Enjoy!


WANDAVISION EPISODE 8 - Full Length Reaction!

Welcome Patrons! Thank you so much for being a part of my Patreon community! I'm so truly grateful for your support. Here is the full length reaction to Episode 8 of WandaVision! Enjoy! My Instagram: addie_counts


Tony Sanson

This is my favorite episode. A lot of background on Wanda, answers all the questions that had been building up all week. And I'm glad they decided to make Wanda a proper witch and not someone enhanced by the Mind Stone (though I wonder how Pietro got his powers...). But man...that scene in the Compound between her and Vision...and that quote "What is grief, if not love persevering?" No matter how much I've watched this series, this scene always gets me. And her description of her grief, how it hits in waves and it just keeps coming, and you feel like you're drowning...well it's the rare show that understands what that feels like. How easily grief can overtake you. How you can get lost in it... The writers truly deserved an award for this show, if only for that scene alone.

Lorenzo Baxter

Wanda is the Scarlet Witch, and she's what's called a Nexus Being. That was the depression medication in the last episode. What a Nexus being is, it's a person that has a power that spans across the entire Universe. Wanda possesses Chaos Magic, which allows her to rewrite reality itself. Not fake, but truly changing reality into whatever she wants and it stays that way. So she's one of the strongest Marvel characters. Her power of reality warping can spread across the Universe and even the Multiverse, in the comics. Nexus beings just are a focal point for cosmic energy, making them immensely powerful.