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I didn't expect to cry from this show... Here's the full length reaction to Episode 6 of Obi-Wan Kenobi! Enjoy!


OBI-WAN KENOBI - EPISODE 6 - Full Length Reaction!

Welcome Patrons! Thank you so much for being a part of my Patreon community! I'm so truly grateful for your support. Here is the full length reaction to Episode 6 of Obi-Wan Kenobi! Enjoy! My Instagram: addie_counts


Patrick Egan

Personally, I wasn't a fan of this series. It felt like nothing but shameless fan service to me, and didn't really add anything to the overall Star Wars story.


I personally disagree. There was hardly any fan service in the series whatsoever as the current Lucasfilm has made abundantly clear that they don’t care about the fans.

Sean Novack

As someone who has had issues with it myself after being involved in a defensive gun use involving a fatality (I have been a firearms instructor for 19 years now after that occured) I have no problem with the idea that Obi-Wan Kenobi is suffering from PTSD of a sort after the events of the films. I was willing to give the show a chance so I could see the redemption arc from where it started to the calm, confident Jedi Master we first met in Episode IV. Having first seen the movie Star Wars in theaters when I was 6 back in 1977 (literally more than a hundred times, I begged every adult my parents knew to take me with them whenever they saw it). These last two episodes really delivered exactly what I was looking for, and I really enjoyed this journey overall. I'm not one that believes "fan service" as it is known is always a bad thing, and I also had zero issues with how the sequel trilogy started. I had serious issues with "The Last Jedi" and consider it the worst of the nine films, with "The Clone Wars" and the idiotic attempts at humor while the flower of generations of Jedi are being slaughtered being second. I blame "The Last Jedi" for the catastrophe that "The Rise of Skywalker" ended up being, so it gets a little bit of a pass, but not much of one. I loved Rogue One. I thought The Mandalorian was great. I was very disappointed by The Book of Boba Fett. So far that's a .500 average that Disney has with me with these series. YMMV

Byrd N. Hand

The virtually non-existent world-building, the general lack of attention to detail, all the bland/self-insert characters, the alien and droid characters (i.e. the *real* diversity in SW) being largely relegated to the background, the often more contemporary-sounding dialogue (as opposed to the stylized '30s/'40s movie speak of Eps. I-VI), the often more contemporary humor, the consistent undercutting of various characters and/or events from Eps. I-VI, the overreliance on nostalgia, and all the pandering/painfully self-aware (and usually totally unearned) fan service remain my biggest issues with Disney-era Star Wars. It frankly feels more like the 'MCU in Space' now... or just glorified (and hacky) fan fiction. Did all these people *really* not pick up on all those aspects from Lucas' films?? Maybe they should've sought his help, if that was the case. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️