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In a certain room, some of the smaller hounds had small budding horns that they shot out from the centre of their skull. Which they then regrew and fired 5 seconds later.

Arlo swatted one from mid-air before Elian skewed its eye with a well aimed arrow.

As they slaughtered the group of Beasts, Arlo furrowed his brows in confusion. It was as they had thought. Somehow, the monsters knew where they were at all times. Like they were being commanded by a higher entity. Maybe a commander class Monster had picked up their scent, and was relentlessly sending whatever was in the maze to hunt them.

Justin usually picked the safest of the passages. But that changed at the drop of a hat. One moment, a tunnel that he had accurately scouted would be empty. Then the next a rampaging tide of creatures would be stomping down the path, hurtling towards them. Wanting to devour their flesh and eat their bones.

4 hours had passed since they had set off after a night's sleep.

Louis was now in the front with Merc. He didn’t have the same powers as she did. And his body remained weak, but he was highly effective. In fact, he used Merc as a human shield. One moment he was on her right, then the left.

Arlo hated to admit it, but he was learning from whatever was controlling Louis. The way he attacked. How he defended and moved, despite being weak. It filled him with confidence that he could do the same with enough training.

After plucking out the cores from the dead creatures, they returned to their little Bastion. Of course, it wasn’t a Bastion. It was only considered so when there was a Gateway in the location…

Arlo’s eyes widened. He turned to Merc as they traipsed to the middle of the room. “Do you think there’s a Gateway here? Maybe in the centre of the maze? Hidden away?”

“It’s not impossible.” Merc nodded.

She was already thinking of it.

Elian butted in, “I had the same idea. But what’s making me think otherwise is that the life energy here is only restricted to this one little room. The reason that we call them Bastions, is because the life energy is not only more powerful than here, but the land it covers is huge. Think of towns and cities.”

“But it’s possible,” Arlo said.

“Yes, it’s possible,” She said. “But an undiscovered Gateway means that there will be a guardian in the area. A guardian isn’t something we can beat just with 5 of us. We will need an army. If we do arrive at the centre of the maze, we won’t enter. It is too risky.”

“What if there’s wealth of untold proportions?” Justin asked, smiling.

“No,” Merc said. “I can’t have you getting your life in danger. We need you.”

“Well doesn’t that just make my heart flutter?” Justin laughed. “Don’t worry. I don’t have a death wish. I have all the wealth I could ever need.”

Elian butted in, “Then what about power? I'm a Lineage myself. I know of at least 4 of my dad’s friends who have died in the pursuit of it. You’re no different.”

“Like I said,” Justin said, “I’m not stupid.”


It was later in the day. Justin had left not long after they returned to continue scouting. They decided not to head out again. Arlo was glad for it. Although he was comfortable enough with his new legs to do basic movements, he still had a lot to work on. During the last battle, he found his new legs awkward.

In theory, he now had the speed to take initiative. But he still found himself just standing, waiting for the creatures to come to him. He had the strength in his appendages to act as his weapons. And he had the legs to match it now. He was now essentially a warrior. A warrior with no defence, but a warrior nonetheless. He just had to build the confidence needed to wade into the midst of battle. As long as he wasn’t skewered in the heart or brain, dying wasn’t likely.

Damn. Am I really coming to terms with being wounded in battle?

It was a grim thought. However, if he wanted to help his friends, he had to step up.

Arlo spent the remainder of the day continuing his practice. At some point, Justin had returned from his scouting mission. He watched for a while, then started clicking his tongue in annoyance.

“It’s like watching a newborn bambi,” Justin mocked as he approached. He cracked his knuckles, and said, “The fastest way to learn is through a good beating.”

Arlo’s lips twitched. “That’s animal abuse.”

It was then that Arlo found himself sparring with the lineage.

Not once did Justin use his shadow lances.  Instead, he used his fists. Arlo dodged where he could, and stabbed his appendages at any body part that was visible. But Justin was just too slippery. If Arlo stepped out of place, Justin was there to attack the opening. Sometimes, Arlo would get too impatient, and lunge ahead. It may have worked if he was more comfortable with his legs, but he found himself tumbling on the floor with an aching chest. Thankfully Justin held back. If not, he would have quite a few cracked ribs.

After each time he was smashed into the ground, he would grit his teeth, and stand back up again. Each time it happened, he swore to not make the same mistake again.

Sparring with Justin was focused on speed and agility. It was the perfect opponent to forge his new legs. The progress he made in only 1 hour of fighting was incredible.

Just as Arlo dusted off his thighs after being struck to the ground again, Merc approached. Judging by the look in her eyes, she wanted in on the fun.


She stood in front of him, great-sword in hand, eyes ready for battle. Her presence was overwhelming. It was terrifying. It was as if Arlo was no longer human, but a savage spirit creature.

He wanted to run away. He took a deep breath. This was the perfect chance to test what a warrior that focused on strength was like.

So with that in mind, Arlo changed his appendages back into the thickened tendrils they once were.

Nodding, she smashed her sword into the tiles below. Just like Justin, she was just going to use her fists.

This is going to hurt…



Thanks for the chapter!