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It’s still not dead!

Arlo grit his teeth as the monster chased Merc. It realised that she was the biggest threat of the squad.

The beast smashed its horn against Merc’s great-sword, sending her screeching backwards. It dashed forwards, then leapt to the wall. It hung there for a second, much to Arlo’s shock. It pounced from the wall–straight at Justin.

He smiled. The monster's terrifying visage lunged for Justin. But he disappeared. A razor-sharp lance took his place. It tore through the hounds mouth. It howled in pain.

Merc appeared in front of it. She crashed her sword against the beast's fore-leg. The sickening sound of bone cracking reverberated against the walls. The hound dashed away, but it was clear it was injured. Flames singed the hairs on its leg. It continued up its fur, not willing to extinguish. Merc’s eyes brightened. The fire strengthened, engulfing the entirety of the demonic hound in a holy blaze.

The beast thrashed for a few moments, unable to orient itself. It couldn’t smell, nor could it see. But it could hear. And unluckily for the squad, it had impeccable hearing.

It dashed. It was fast. Arlo leapt to the side, but he was too late. The hound snapped its jaws down onto his appendage, severing it, swallowing the chunk he had bit off.

Alro seethed in pain. Blood splashed. He replied with an attack of his own. But as it was an attack thrown out at random, the lance of blood slashed the hounds nose. It sniffled, snorted, then lurched for Arlo again. It tasted blood.

It was Louis who had arrived to help. His machete poked the hounds right eye, slashing it open. Once again, the hound scrambled. It slammed against the wall.

Merc replied with a sword strike. She heaved it against the same leg that she had wounded before. This time, her blade was true. Her sword bypassed flesh and bone and came out on the other side, hacking into the other leg. It didn’t do any damage.

Off kilter, the hound tried desperately to move, but a powerful arrow blasted into the monster's side. Transforming an already wounded area into mangled flesh.

The horned-hound stumbled to the ground.

Louis grinned. About to take the killing blow, he aimed his machete at its eye. One push, and it would penetrate through the eye, and into the brain. And there was nothing the hound could do about it.

However, just as Louis thrust his blade, the entire body of the demonic hound raised. Shadow lances, ten or so of them, slammed into the body of the beast all at once. And the hulking weight of the creature tumbled right for Arlo.

Eyes widening, Arlo’s body moved on its own. His only crimson appendage tore through the air, and pierced the wounded eye of the hound. With no resistance, his weapon tore through brain tissue.

[You have slain a Tier 5 Beast, Horned-Hound.]

| Your blood becomes stronger.]

[You have gained a Remembrance.]

| …Remembrance: Convergent Greaves (Master).

I…I got a Remembrance?

Arlo wiped the blood, sweat, and whatever else had clung to his perspired forehead. He knew it was more common to receive a Remembrance from a Monster-tier creature, but to think he would obtain one again so soon.

It had all happened too fast.

Remembrance: [Convergent Greaves].

| Tier: II

| Type: Armour/Clothing.

| Description: Bloody, battered, and worn; the armour of the Heretical Legion was designed to make full use of a well trained body. No muscle goes unwasted.

| Runes: Convergent.

Heretical Legion, Arlo thought. It must be part of whatever forces were in this area. Did they have something to do with this maze? And what for?

–And only one Rune?

It meant it was either special, or he got really unlucky. He didn’t even get a [Toughened] or [Durable] Rune to go with the armour piece; which was usually highly sought. The likely hood of the Remembrance breaking was even less. However, it was still a Tier 2 armour Remembrance. It would block any physical attack from Monsters.

But what did the [Convergent] Rune do? He had never heard of it before. So he inspected it.

Rune - [Convergent]: Strengthen the clothing or armour where it is located, focusing on the body's strongest part.

What– Arlo couldn’t wait anymore. He summoned it as fast as he could. They appeared hugging his shins. They were mostly black, but rusted with copper and splattering of red. He wiped it. The blood didn't come off. They were quite long. He thought that they would be a bit shorter, just covering his shin and no more. But they extended past his knee before stopping. They also came with armoured sandals, shielding the top of his foot.

However, he wasn’t focused on the look of them, but the strength that arrived with it. He sucked in a breath. The muscle in his thighs and calves bulged. The muscles were visible even through his thin clothing Remembrance.

Arlo came to a startling revelation. All the power in his appendages was now also in his legs. Before he could take a step and marvel in his new found grace, Louis stood up to Justin.

“What the hell was that?” Louis spat.

Arlo’s brows rose. For the first time since he had arrived, Louis stood up to him. It wasn’t an act of defiance. No, Louis was pissed.

“What do you mean?” Justin frowned.

“I had it,” Louis spat. “You did it on purpose.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about mate,” Justin said. “Was just trying to kill it myself.” Justin glanced at the dead corpse. “Looks like I missed my chance.”

Louis didn’t say anything. He just stared at Justin. His hands clenched. Merc waltzed in between them.

“This isn’t the place to argue,” She said. “We need to find a safe place before another wave of monsters arrives.”

Louis’ eyes landed on Arlo’s new Remembrance. His gaze was… cold.

I’m imagining things.

Luckily for them, the narrow passage groaned open. Merc carefully stepped inside. She made it about halfway before she called the others. They followed. Well, that was until Arlo took a single step. He jumped ahead, unable to control his speed. He stumbled, fell, and rolled across the floor. He found himself in the middle of the narrow path.

Arlo gazed at the walls around him. Please don’t close. Please don’t close, He repeated internally until he was finally on the other side.

It was only a short walk, maybe five minutes, but to Arlo, it was difficult. His entire sense of balance was gone. Every step threatened to take him at least 3x the distance previously. He found himself straining, urging his legs not to launch him ahead.

They left the narrow passage.

What greeted them was a smaller room than the last. Flowers of red and yellow and orange blossomed within, lining the walls, or from the crevices of the almost black tiles. At the back of the wall to the left, there was a pond with shimmering, crystal clear water. A faint haze billowed around it, and the room.

Directly ahead was another passage, and another path to the right.

It was colourful and vibrant and… comforting. Something about the place set his mind at ease–made him forget that the entire world was out to kill him.

He remembered part of his survival training back in the academy. Areas with powerful life energy were often considered safe zones. Striders only knew that because that was how Bastions were formed.

But Arlo also knew that certain monsters exuded the same life energy, luring Striders into their domain where they would strike.

Was this such an area?

“Merc, is it safe?” Arlo asked.

She stilled, then nodded after a few seconds. “It is. There’s no monsters in the vicinity.”

“Have we really encountered a safe zone?” Elian asked in wonder.

“Seems that way,” Merc said. “But we’re not resting. Not yet. Not while we still have sun over our heads. Justin will scout the two paths. Then we’ll make our move.”

“Great,” Elian said sarcastically.


Raymond Howard

i have a feeling louis isn't louis anymore


Thanks for the chapter!


Arlo is a moron. And he's gonna lose his rememberence when he has to kill that one armed idiot.