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“Arlo, you alright?” Justin appeared at his back, stopping him.

“Did you hear that?” Arlo looked up at Justin.

“I didn’t,” Justin said. “Did you hear a voice? Was it the same as that red sand?”

Louis, Elian, and Merc all gazed at him.

“N–no. It was different,” Arlo said. “Ah, I don’t know to be honest. It could have been. Or it had something to do with the box.” Arlo took a breath and decided to speak the truth. “It said something about me being the wielder of the Corrupted Blood. That I will begin a cycle of ruination? Over and over, the voice kept on saying that it was my fault. I don’t understand.”

“There’s nothing to understand,” Justin said. “Don’t take it seriously. This place is fucking with our minds. The faster we can get off these sands, the better.”

“Amen to that,” Arlo said. 

With a thought, he returned the coffin back to his Soul Sea for now. It was as Justin had said; perhaps it was dangerous. He would need to carefully inspect it when he had time. As it disappeared, he felt strength within his body disappear. It was disappointing, but there was nothing he could do for now.

Elian said nothing. He just kept on looking at Arlo. He had summoned an arrow and was currently plucking the sand from under his fingernails. It looked like he was in his thoughts. Just like Louis.

Merc sat cross legged at the head of the crab. Her massive sword lay across her thighs as she gazed ahead. She was always aloof. She rarely entered the conversation. Arlo thought he was making headways with her. But it seemed like in this place, she was retreating back into her shell.

This place is hell, Arlo thought.

Louis shook his head, and said. “I–I think I also remember. Remember the voices in my head. It’s vague, and I don’t understand the words. But they’re there.”

“Try to ignore it,” Arlo said. “I’ll do the same. If we don’t, we’ll all end up turning mad. Remember, Elian, Justin, Merc, Louis. You’re not in this alone. We have each other. As long as it stays that way, we’ll be fine.”

“Always the optimist,” Justin said with a smile.

Elian, and Louis were the same. It was nice to see a smile after what felt like forever.

Merc said from upfront, “We’re coming up to the wall.”

Arlo sighed in relief. “Finally.”

Gazing up, he saw the enormous wall in all its imposing glory. It was as black as obsidian. It looked like it was made from hulking cut out stones. Now that he was closer, he only now understood the magnitude of the building. Just who could create such a gargantuan structure? Arlo had a lot of respect for what kind of people could not only create something like this, but also survive here long enough to build it.

But maybe this place wasn’t always this dangerous? Did the people know that something would come, and so they made the structure as preparation?

Arlo recalled the strange words. Again, the wars will rage.

Perhaps that was what they were preparing for? Arlo didn’t know. The world around him was steeped with mysteries. Mysteries that he wanted to figure out.

Large sections of the wall were cut out in equal distances. It was difficult to believe looking at the size of the scratches, but Arlo guessed that it was the result of some sort of creature.

God, what could create such scratch-marks in the wall?

It wasn’t a good feeling. It meant that whatever the culprit was, was out there. Somewhere. Just like that monstrous worm. Was it closeby, or far away? The uncertainty scratched at the nape of his neck.

Silence filled the air. Everyone looked like they were stuck within their own thoughts. Arlo knew just how they felt. He had gone through hundreds of doctor's appointments. Through all the blood tests, scans, and being poked, and prodded. It was the waiting that was the worst. The agonising thoughts. Brooding on what could, would, should happen.

It was because of those experiences that made him talk, even if he didn’t want to. He had to make the others think of something else.

“Hey, guys,” Arlo said, looking up at the wall. He couldn’t move his eyes from it. “Who could build such a monstrosity?”

“Or who,” Louis added, stirring from his thoughts. “Looks like it’s built by giants.”

“Giants?” Justin chuckled. “Have you not seen a Master, or a Saint? A strength based human could lift one of those blocks no problem.”

“It’s no normal rock,” Merc said from the front. “I imagine it had to be a group of Ascended to create a structure of such magnitude.”

“Always trying to one-up me, huh?”

“Just telling the truth,” She replied.

“Honestly, I’ve only seen what I’ve been shown on TV,” Louis said. “I grew up worshipping All Strength. If it was him, he’d be able to lift that up no problem, and chuck it at a Tier V Demon no problem.”

“All Strength,” Justin mocked. “He’s a celebrity created with glass panes. A device created by the media to show how good ‘hero’s’ can be. Handsome, good natured, wouldn’t hurt a human if they so much as shit on his face. That’s what they’ve made him out to be. But I’ve met him, and others like him in person. They’re all arrogant pieces of shit. Until they meet a true Lineage, that is.”

“Well, thanks for ruining my hero,” Louis said with a disappointed sigh.

“Just telling the truth,” Justin said, glancing at Merc.

Then Louis perked up, and said, “But they can’t all be bad, right? There has to be some good Striders out there. I mean, they wouldn’t risk their lives otherwise.”

“Of course there are,” Elian said. He put away the arrow, and was now cradling his knees. “My father is one of them. You just don’t see them all that much because they aren’t suited for TV. Many Striders face life and death, but it’s rarely reported in the news nowadays. The government doesn’t want the general public to worry and panic. What Justin said about All Strength can be used for the government as well. Our society is built with glass bricks.”

“I would have never thought,” Arlo said, shaking his head.

“They show you what they want you to see,” Justin said.

Louis said after a moment of silence, “What about your dad, Elian? The way you speak of him, he must be a good man.”

“He has his moments,” Elian said with curled lips. “I wouldn’t call him perfect. Like anyone, he has his flaws. Not being home very much is one. But what I remember are all good memories. Picking me up from school to get ice-cream. Spontaneous trips to Spain, or Greece. I remember it fondly.”

“Damn,” Arlo said. “I’m jealous.”

Elian turned to Arlo, and asked, “What about your dad?”

“Honestly, I don’t remember too much,” Arlo said. Everyone listened. “I think I turned five when Striders arrived at our house, telling me and my mother that he had gone missing in the Spirit World.”

“Shit,” Elian said, “I’m sorry. But maybe he’s here? This land is undocumented. Who knows?”

“He’s not. He had gone missing just outside of Night City. His entire party was murdered. No-one has yet to find his body.”

Justin placed his hand on Arlo’s shoulder.

“At first I wanted to awaken, enter the Spirit World, and find him. That was my goal. My mission,” Arlo said, clenching his hand into a tight fist. “But now that I’ve experienced this place. I just hope he’s found peace. That’s all.”

Once again, silence reigned. No-one knew what to say.

Arlo was about to change the subject to something more cheery when Merc opened her mouth. “We’re here. Get off. Night is approaching. We need to find a safeplace behind the walls. Stay on your toes, there’s no knowing what is behind these walls.”

Merc’s reflection lowered itself into the sand. Hopping off, Merc returned it to her Soul Sea.

It was time to see what was behind the walls that told a horrible story.

It was quickly growing dark when Arlo and his party entered. There was no gate, and the moment they all walked through the threshold, they were made aware that this was no city at all.

It was a maze.


Andrew Pilavachi

I have to wonder where Arlo gets his naive willingness to help people, because in the first 10 chapters it isn't apparent that he’s such a good guy so it feels like Arlo is suddenly really nice as soon as he comes out of the horror, plus due to being bullied in his school life and lack of interactions with people as he kept being ill I would've thought that he would be cold and possibly jaded, unwilling to make friends as he doesn't trust people or like them and people don't like him as he looked like a too thin sketchy guy whose always ill. Also, I would've thought Arlo was a lot more powerful than he should've been as his appendages should be twice as strong as a B+ tier class and since they're tendrils all that matters is speed, the faster they are the harder they can hit, and more power can behind them unless they're going to be like tentacles that will grab and constrict which would make sense.


So goooooood just read from first chapter!


In the first 10 chapters I've mentioned it a few times. He tries to calm down Melissa, tried to help Clark. In highschool, he tried really hard to make friends because he didn't want a repeat of junior school


Thanks for the chapter!